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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A sap who will DENOUNCE his own country's intelligence agencies and support a hostile foreign enemy is also capable of what?

A sap who will DENOUNCE his own country's intelligence agencies and support a hostile foreign enemy is also capable of what?

Denouncing GOD and supporting EVIL DEVIL SATAN VILE

One day he will want to prove to the world that he OWNS his base and they will do anything for him and follow him anywhere up to and including RENOUNCING GOD and swearing undying devotion to him in whom all things are possible. The dipstick..

They have already done it but this time he will require them to say the following words OUT LOUD

I DENOUNCE GOD and WORSHIP DIPSTICK in whom I believe with all my heart

Farfetched? Impossible? Look at all the IMPOSSIBLES you rolled over and accepted at his command. You think there is anything beyond his reach that he wouldn't dare to prove how much y'all adore and worship him to all exclusion of anyone or anything else.? You believe all his lies without question. What's one more?

Posted - September 2, 2020


  • 11428
    There is a  long list of agencies that Trump dosen't listen to and that can be dangerous for your Country.  This  is off topic but I just read an article that claims that when Trump was talking with  North Korea  Kim winked at Sara Huckabee then  later Trump  told her that she should take one for the team. So maybe now you can start calling  Trump  - Pimp Daddy. Cheers!
      September 2, 2020 8:55 AM MDT

  • 113301
    SARA HUCKABEE? She ain't arm candy or a hot babe. Better dipstick should pimp Ivanka. Melania is too long in the tooth for kim. SARA HUCKABEE pimped? Boy that's a country I never thought anyone would visit! Thank you for your reply Nanoose and Happy Wednesday! :)
      September 2, 2020 9:14 AM MDT

  • 11428
    Maybe  Kim likes them big and  nasty.  Today I was  thinking  that maybe this has something to do with Sara leaving her WH spokesperson role . Maybe  if Trump did ask her to take one for the team it opened up her eyes to what kind of man he was or because she didn't agree  to take one for the team Trump got rid of her and replaced her with someone who would. Cheers!
      September 2, 2020 8:12 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Not to be disrespectful Nanoose but SARA? She would among the last I'd think of for such "job". I did wonder why she left because she was always so haughty and rude and condescending and supercilious and snarky. A perfect press secretary for the dipstick. But she is allegedly very religious and isn't her dad a minister or something? Weird comes in all sizes. Not her because she reacted properly. But Kim and dipstick. Gadzooks! Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday. You know what Nanoose I asked a question about appearance. If all women looked alike and all men looked alike we would not be able to judge on appearance. AND HERE I AM DOING EXACTLY THAT! AARRGGHH! Sigh. :) This post was edited by RosieG at September 3, 2020 1:37 AM MDT
      September 3, 2020 1:37 AM MDT