Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» What is more INSULTING to the military than to have a cowardly 5-time fake bonespur draft dodger be in "command" of them?
Personally, I would not have went there about McCain. But Trump did. McCain attacked Trump. Trump attacks back. That is the way they played the political game.
I can speak on this because I was drafted by the Army, examined, tested and found to be 1-A in status. Since I had no recourse, I joined the USAF. I think it was more a matter of obeying the law of the land than any other reason. I imagine that there are some notables that we could pose your question to, such as former Sec of State and presidential candidate John Kerry, who to his credit served but made his hatred of the military known as far back as 1972. Then there is Ole Slick Willie who never served a day in the military. He's the one you may recall that as president, didn't want to hear anything about the attack on the USS Cole until someone reminded him that he was Commander in Chief and a response was required. (Even from a golf course)