Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly dipsh** suckers and losers asked someone at Pearl Harbor "what happened here?" Know what else he allgedly asked?

Allegedly dipsh** suckers and losers asked someone at Pearl Harbor "what happened here?" Know what else he allgedly asked?

Why did the US "fight on the side of the Allies" in World War 2?

So who else is that incredibly stupid dumb obtuse brain impaired?

The dipsh** losers and suckers guy doesn't comprehend why anyone does anything if he isn't going get rich doing it. He admires only those who have talent and use it to make money. Elsewise otherwise he sees no point in doing things for others for the sake of doing things for others. No percentage in it.

Behold the monster. Behold the dipsh**. Behold the suckers and losers guy. Behold the nightmare y'all wrought. Rot!

Posted - September 5, 2020


  • 17088
    Yep, we had one here too. The wharf workers union went out on strike in 1939, refusing to load ships with iron bound for Japan in solidarity with Manchuria (the rape of Nanking wasn't known at the time, but the invasion was).
    Trade minister (and later Prime Monster) Robert Menzies broke that strike - and two years later we got the iron back for free, in the form of bombs and bullets.
      September 5, 2020 4:24 AM MDT

  • 113301
    OMG m'dear! I don't like the ending to that story. Reciprocity is fine but not like that. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday/Sunday to thee and thine! :)
      September 5, 2020 4:48 AM MDT