Almost as if they spend hours comspiring and colluding and writing a script that they then go out and read verbatim.
Russia is thrilled and delighted with the dipsh** losers and suckers guy. The main goal of Russia is to undermine our election specifically with regard to mail-in voting. So too does Putin lapdog puppet diptsh** losers suckers guy. Same thing every day every day every day every day every day. Same person. Same brain. LAME. Same motive. Same intentions. Same goals. Same destination. Sameoldsameoldsameoldsameold.
The dipsh** losers suckers guy is working hard to turn the world over to Putin. Pull out of Nato. Break all allliances. Defend Russia and undermine the United States. All the time. Every day in every way 24/7.
Somewhere in time the dipsh** sucker loser will get his just reward. He is so deserving of it.
He views Putin (and people like him) as heroes. They get things done. The methods they used to get things done doesn’t matter, only that they got done. And if those methods worked for them, then they’ll work for him as well. This is why he looks up to and praises people like Putin and Jong-un. Hitler, Idi Amin, and Josef Stalin are probably his heroes as well. To him, the ends always justify the means. Brutality and suffering are nothing (“it is what it is”), so long as they bring about “results”.
He lusts after power. Power feeds his massive ego (look at me). Money is equated with power (it’s the wealthy who rule). I agree. If he’s allowed to continue his reign, he will make his enemies “disappear”. I believe he’s already trying, but isn’t smart enough to secede (as far as we know). even his kids see this as an acceptable way of dealing with things. And they’re behind “dear ol’ dad” more than most people think.