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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We have to be more careful now, stay away withdraw remain aloof. Our lives depend on it. Is the what/whom we to used be gone forever?

We have to be more careful now, stay away withdraw remain aloof. Our lives depend on it. Is the what/whom we to used be gone forever?

Or are they temporarily on sabbatical/vacation/a break? Are you CERTAIN of that? How?

Posted - September 6, 2020


  • 2706
    If you are alluding to this whole virus shutdown, I have always been careful but I do not live in fear. I may live alone but I will not stay away, withdraw, or become aloof. Why should I? If people want to interact with me, I'll interact with them. If they want to avoid me or stay six feet away that's fine too. Their choice.

      Is who I am and what I do on a sabbatical/vacation/break? Nope. Am I certain of that? Yes. Why should I allow what's happening in the world to change who and what I am? Some people may be content to allow circumstances to change their personality, character, and individuality, but I'm not.
      September 6, 2020 12:26 PM MDT