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The coolest part of the day these days is early morning. It dropped down to 76 about 6am. Are you up in the cool of the morning?

Or do you "sleep in" and miss the best part of he day?

The temp began to rise about 8am. Jim went out to the golf course at 6:30 and was back home by 8am. Already getting too hot but he got in some practice. The golf course is in our retirement community two blocks from home. Only 9 holes but well it's better than nuthin! . Tomorrow he will go earlier.

What kind of accommodation do you make when the weather is "unpleasant"?

Posted - September 6, 2020


  • 35071
    I am normally up between 5 and 6.
    Mowing grass early morning.  But not too early neighbors might not like being woken by the lawn mower.  I have been known to mow with my swim clothing on so as soon as I was done could jump in the water. This post was edited by my2cents at September 7, 2020 1:06 AM MDT
      September 6, 2020 10:48 AM MDT

  • 113301
    "Jump in the water"? Do you live by a lake or river or do you mean your backyard pool? That is really smart. m2c. You get the exercise though I'm not sure how much that is if your lawn motor is noisy and motorized. I remember my dad mowing the lawn. The old fashioned kind. Motorless. We don't have grass here. Green colored cement is our "lawn" and our 'backyard" is small pebbles. Retirement communities are meant for easier living. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to thee and thine! :)
      September 7, 2020 1:09 AM MDT

  • 35071
    Our pool. 
      September 7, 2020 5:02 AM MDT

  • 10797

    I’m an early-bird type person.  To me the best part of the day is the morning.  Lately I’m up around 4 a.m. to open up the house and let in as much cool air as I can.  Before the fires, I was out on my daily walk well before sunrise (unhealthy to walk in all this smoke).  

    Luckily, the smoke broke (briefly) at 4:30 this morning allowing it to cool down to 70.  It went from night to day, as the moon popped out from behind billowing thick smoke (it was an eerie sight).  Unfortunately, “night” fell again by 9 am.  The sky’s been black with thick smoke ever since.  On the good side, the smoke should prevent it from reaching the predicted 108 (this is the hottest part of the day and its only 99).  On the bad side, the moisture from the intense fire is making it extremely muggy although the smoke is staying high in the atmosphere (air quality is 39), it’s so oppressive that it’s almost impossible to breathe outside.  The smoke will also keep any heat from escaping tonight.  A chunk of Pyrocumulus clouds that formed above the fire yesterday moved overhead last night just after midnight ... bringing ash showers with it.  Thankfully(?), strong north winds should blow the smoke back south by Tuesday ... and really amplify the fire danger.  PG&E is already set to shut off power to over 103,000 customers starting around 11 Tuesday morning.  To top I off, it should remain very hot around here (100’s) through Wednesday.

      September 6, 2020 4:15 PM MDT

  • 234
    Wow! You really are a productive morning guy!
      September 6, 2020 4:18 PM MDT

  • 113301
      September 7, 2020 1:41 AM MDT

  • 113301
    A multiplicity of condolences to you m'dear. Your lungs are paying a big price. I just wonder what damage that terrible air you are breathing for how long now will do to you. We read there could be rolling blackouts due to the extreme heat but so far where we live we've been lucky. Doesn't mean it won't happen. All you can do is take it a day at a time and do the best you can. You are living in a nightmare scenario...of course I don't have to tell you that. Like one of the DISASTER movies. Would that it were all just a nightmare and you'd awaken to clean air and live your normal routine life as before. When will that happen? Rather I wonder IF it will happen? At this point I have no idea and we down south are luckier than you. I know there are pockets of bad air and fires and evacuation possibilities for some down south but so far in Hemet we're not adversely impacted. I wonder when the weather and the fires and the threats and the evacuations will no longer be a topic of conversation? Or the pumpkina** virus that is still killing us and sickening us? I wonder. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! Have you thought of getting a gas mask? Would that help or is it too late for that?
      September 7, 2020 1:18 AM MDT

  • 10797
    Currently the smoke is staying aloft.  That means the air outside (ground level) is breathable (no haze), but there's no sun (brown/black sky).  Of course, no sun means it's only 80, but excessively humid.  The 45-50 mph winds tonight and tomorrow should push the smoke out (and fan the fires).  PG&E is shutting off my power between 9pm tonight and 1am tomorrow morning.  Power is expected to be restored  by 9 am thursday.  The positive thing is that after today temperatures are forecasted to be in the mid 80's.  No more 100's for awhile.
    It's so much fun living in a third world country.. er.. state.  
      September 7, 2020 11:22 AM MDT

  • 113301
    ((hugs)) Forgive the impertinence m'dear but I'd need a hug if that were my environment. I'm so sorry this is happening where you live. If it were a short-term one day thing well it would not be pleasant but there'd be light at the end of the tunnel. How many WEEKS have you had to endure this? Aren't some of the fires absolutely still uncontained? On Sunday it reached 116 in Hemet. Yesterday it was just 101. Today is forecast to be a high of 96 and we are SO GRATEFul for it.  Everything is relative to everything isn't it? Here in the south it got up to 121 in a couple of towns! 121! Your power must be back on now but what do you mean "power is expected to be restored by 9am THURSDAY? You mean yours will be shut off more times until Thursday? Gadzooks good grief and good golly miss molly. I wonder what the extent of the impact on health will be to all residents who have lived inhaling mokes for WEEKS? How many lungs will be damaged? SIGH. Thank you for your reply and well what can I say? Hang in there. As if you have a choice  Happy Tuesday! :)
    Oh. FYI I just had Jim read what you wrote about your circumstance and he sends condolences too. For what it's worth. This post was edited by RosieG at September 9, 2020 5:03 PM MDT
      September 8, 2020 3:33 AM MDT

  • 10797

    That's HOT!   Due to trh smoke we only reached 101 here on saturday and sunday.  It would have been a lot warmer without the smoke.  
    The fires started on August 17, it's been smoky since.
    Many of the fires were near 80% contained on Monday.  Unfortunate that changed BIG TIME yesterday.  The bear fire (near Quincy and Oroville) is now a monster!

    PG&E shut off power at 10:10 Monday night in anticipation of strong winds.  The winds came!  Early Tuesday there was a lot of ground smoke, but the skies were “clear”. There was also a lot of wind.   As the morning wore on the smoke lifted in to white sheets.  Then at 2 pm it was like Armageddon.  Thick “boiling” clouds of smoke blotted out the sun.  It literally went from day to night in less than 5 minutes.  (There was NO ground smoke; this was all up in the sky.)  The temperature dropped from 90 to 82, and the winds went dead calm.  It was eerily silent as well.  The only sounds were from neighbors generators.  And it stayed like this for the rest of the day.  To make matters worse, there was an eerie fire-orange glow in the northeast, which many people thought was an approaching fire (panic time!).  Although the fire was a long ways away (the bear fire), you wouldn’t have known it.  Around 9:30 pm the winds picked back up and the smoke column came crashing to the ground (choke, choke).  Then by 10 pm, the sky was crystal clear (and it was windy again).  Today started out with rolls of smoke, but it quickly turned into a dense overcast of smoke (no sun).  Currently its very hazy (smoke at ground level) and the sky is milky white with some sun peaking through.  Power came back on at 2:37 pm.

    PG&E shuts off the power to locations if they think there will be winds.  They call them a PSPS (Public Safety Power Shutoff).  That way if a fire starts they aren’t responsible.

    Here's a photo of what the sky looked like here around 2:45 on Tuesday - 

    This post was edited by Shuhak at September 9, 2020 10:15 PM MDT
      September 9, 2020 5:40 PM MDT

  • 234
    I generally sleep in, yeah. Though lately the sun has been in my window and I get up early. Evenings and around 8-9ish pm I love sitting outside in the cool air. And if it's too hot out there. I bring my mister spray bottle to cool off with. :)
      September 6, 2020 4:16 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Cool air? Rare these days but we're heading toward autumn so it's in our future. Thank you for your reply Nighwolf5 and Happy Monday to you. STAY SAFE! :)
      September 7, 2020 1:42 AM MDT

  • 17077
    Grrr. The best part of the day is when the mercury goes over 90. I revel in dry heat, on top of that I am not and have never been a morning person. I stumble into work about 8.30am, a colleague issues a cheery "good morning!" and I'm Scrooge. "Bah humbug. What's good about it?"
      September 6, 2020 4:33 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You're like our daughter-in-law R. She and our son David lived in Oregon for years and he loved it. She didn't. So when the kids were grown they moved to Arizona and David didn't much like the heat but Yolanda adores it. After David passed away we were sure she'd move back to Oregon to live near or with her daughter but nope. No intention of doing that. She bought a house in a new development in Buckeye, Arizona and her parents live with her now. She LOVES hot. My sister-in-law Jo (she passed away a few years ago) also LOVED hot. She and her husband lived just outside of Reno for many years but they bought a place in Arizona where they fled during the winters and they'd stay even in the hot. Different strokes. I might have mentioned to you that my ex-husband was a grouch when he got up. After coffee and cigarettes (AARRGGHH) he materialized into a decent human being. I'm susie sunshine. I bounce out of bed and sometimes I sing. I know. Not your cuppa tea on any level. I wonder why we are the way we are? I know. Why don't I ask? Thank you for your reply! :)
      September 7, 2020 1:38 AM MDT

  • 17077
    That used to be me, but I quit smoking years ago for financial reasons. It's an expensive habit here. Don't even think about talking to me until after my second cup of bitumen, ie coffee strong enough to stand up and fight me.
      September 7, 2020 6:00 AM MDT

  • 19937
    Smoking is an expensive habit here in NYC, too.  Last time I noticed the price of a pack of cigarettes, it was about $10.00.  When I gave up smoking 35 years ago, it was $1.25 a pack and I thought that was a lot.  :)  One of the best parts of my days is being home and being able to have my first cup of coffee at leisure while on my computer or reading the newspaper.  Usually, my first cup was at work and that wasn't nearly as pleasant. 
      September 7, 2020 7:12 AM MDT

  • 17077
    $10.00? Down here, a 20-pack is more than twice that. The Aussie dollar is lower than $US, but much more than half.
      September 7, 2020 5:09 PM MDT

  • 19937
    Yowsa!  With the cost of living in NYC so high, I don't know how the average person can afford to smoke.  It is really a nasty habit and one that I'm happy I was able to give up.  
      September 8, 2020 6:40 AM MDT

  • 113301
      September 9, 2020 2:48 AM MDT

  • 113301
      September 9, 2020 2:48 AM MDT

  • 113301
      September 9, 2020 2:46 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Deal. You don't show up here until you are "your best self". Bitumen? Bite you men? Couldn't resist. Is it pure coffee or is mixed with something like chicory? Do you take it STRAIGHT or fancied up? You quit for financial reasons? Not health? Not even a little bit? I will never understand smokers. As an outside observer it is a dirty stinky habit. Nasty even. I'm glad you put it behind you years ago for whatever reason. Lung cancer being what it is you might not be here otherwise. Thank you for your reply R! :) This post was edited by RosieG at September 8, 2020 7:07 AM MDT
      September 8, 2020 7:05 AM MDT

  • 17077
    I smoked a pipe - when I was at University, I studied philosophy and it gave me time to think. Quitting was all about the expense.
    I take my coffee straight up - black and strong. How strong? If the spoon stands up, it's too weak. If it starts to dissolve, that's better, but when that spoon jumps out of the mug and runs away screaming in mortal agony, then it's PERFECT.
      September 8, 2020 4:52 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Geez R! I've always been a sap for a man with a pipe. To me it evokes an intellect WAY above average. A thoughtful calm quiet demeanor. Besides the tobacco always has a lovely fragrance. I don't know if the way you smoke affects your health. Is it safer to smoke a pipe than a cigarette? Cigars to me seem to be the very worst. What is the lure of them? Smoking a pipe goes along with being a college professor (in my mind). The philosophy course I took was in junior college taught by a Mr. Hallman. I LOVED that class. Every day we chatted like magpies among ourselves. He'd throw a question out and asked us what we thought. I remember once he asked us to describe the "essence of a chair". Sounds so simple doesn't it? But with every description we'd come up with he'd tell us that what we had described was not UNIQUE to a chair but could also be said for something else we sit down on. Isn't it funny what you remember? A few years later I bumped into him when I was going to Night School where I was taking LOGIC and ECONOMICS. I was divorced by then and well we dated for awhile! I know! Imagine that? Thank you for your reply. Oh. He did not smoke anything. Just thought I'd toss that in! :)
      September 9, 2020 2:36 AM MDT