A. Zero
B. Ten or fewer
C. Between ten to twenty-five
D. Between twenty-five to fifty
E. Between fifty to one hundred
F. More than one hundred
G. None of the above/or completely different answer
Hey, wait . . .
Thank you for your answer. I’ll see to it personally that you’re only added to the pro-Shuhak ad sites on our mailing lists. (If I can find any, that is.)
Thank you for your answer. A couple of dozen more emails won’t be so bad. You’re on the mailing list now.
Thank you for your answer. We’ll be adding to the eclecticness of it by putting you on the mailing list for Benny Hill jokes, Groucho Marx feeds, and The Gong Show rerun email messages.
Thank you for your answer. That’s a paltry sum. Doubling it won’t hurt you much, I’ll speak with my people.