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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Let's call it what it is. The dipsh** base is made up of TERRIFIED SCAIRDY CATS and he keeps them terrified. What if they weren't?

Let's call it what it is. The dipsh** base is made up of TERRIFIED SCAIRDY CATS and he keeps them terrified. What if they weren't?

Would dipsh** ever have been elected head? Hahahahahahahahaha! OF COURSE NOT.

He deals only in hate and terror. That's all he sell 24/7. If you aren't terrified and you don't hate why would you support the dipsh**? YOU WOULDN'T!

So his supporters are all terrified haters. No one else can stand him. Pity that the base doesn't have a spine or a will or any self-confidence. Isn't it? They have no belief in themselves. None.

Posted - September 12, 2020


  • 6477
    Well I wouldn't put it quite in the terms you use.. but I would say that Trump is all about stirring up and encouraging division and hatred.. He tells lies, his support staff and enablers tell lies and these lies almost always encourage fear and suspicion. Trump thrives on these things and a destabilised divided America where his fans are permanently scared of this mythical and dangerously evil left seems his best chance of re-election
      September 12, 2020 2:42 PM MDT

  • 113301
    His lies cost thousands of lives Addb. He KNEW the virus was deadly and airborne in early February. He lied to everyone and mocked it ridiculed it and made light of it. He says he lied to prevent panic. Which is a  lie. He lied to make himself look good. He held rallies and told lies all the while knowing it was most unwise to cram people together butt to butt in close quarters and have them yell and cheer and shout and stomp and spit and inhale each others' spit. I cannot put it more graphically than that. HE KNEW and he did not care. We are approaching 200,000 DEAD. How many of those tens of thousands need not have died had the dipsh** abomination been honest and done the right thing? We can never know the answer to that. He is vermin evil venal destructive monstrous and an abomination. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to thee and thine. You wouldn't put in the terms I use because you are not an American and you do not have to suffer for his monstrously evil indifference. The price we are paying is dying. Different strokes. This post was edited by RosieG at September 13, 2020 2:40 AM MDT
      September 13, 2020 2:38 AM MDT