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For all those jacka**es who said climate change is no big deal it is now biting us on the A** bigtime. Are you still in denial?

Posted - September 12, 2020


  • 6477
    Well, I was never in denial but I am afraid I do still see way too many morons who still don't get it and still cling to the tired old twaddle that it's not real.. 
      September 12, 2020 2:34 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The massive fires in California Oregon Washington are out of control and all due to CLIMATE CHANGE.

    We were warned decades ago and the idiots dumbbels ignored it ridiculed it mocked it. Truth never stop no matter how hard people try to detroy it. TRUTH WILL OUT. Not paying any attention to warnings has a cost. We are now paying it. Thank you for your reply Addb! :)
      September 13, 2020 3:22 AM MDT

  • 2706
      Leftists know what’s to blame – it’s Anthropogenic Climate Change, which is the nearest thing they have to a religion. In that vein, climate change is the answer to all weather and climate events. Whether it’s too hot or cold, too still or windy, too wet or dry, it doesn’t matter. The blame always falls on humans and their love affair with fossil fuels.

      Therefore, it’s unsurprising that one of the high priests of leftism, Barack Obama, would weigh in on the admittedly disturbing orange sky in California. In his usual pompous way, he announced that humankind was at fault. Others wiser than Obama have pointed out that climate change is not the problem. Instead, the problem is environmentalism.

    Environmentalism is why California stopped grooming forests or doing controlled burns to get rid of deadwood (aka tinder). It was because of environmentalism that PG&E poured all of its money into building renewable energy facilities, such as the solar facilities that failed during California’s recent heatwave, and stopped repairing old power lines (some going back 90 years) or trimming back tinder around those power lines.

      Even those awful environmental policies, though, do not tell the entire story. There are two bigger things at play. First, there’s California’s actual climate. For all the hysteria about the epic heatwave this year, back in 1913 the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth was 134 degrees in California’s Death Valley.

    That doesn’t even mean it was the hottest temperature ever. It was just the hottest temperature ever recorded. People have been recording temperatures in a consistent way only since the Victorian era. That means that, long before the last 150 years, the Earth has almost certainly been setting all sorts of records about which we know nothing.

     The leftists are ignoring the most significant thing of all about California’s furnace-like conditions. This is a La Nina year, and it’s going to wreak havoc all over America.
      September 12, 2020 3:53 PM MDT

  • No, M'Dear, it's biting you people on the left coast in the ass. From what the rest of us are seeing, it's more about the bizarre and quirky politically driven, rules and regulations that actually help natural catastrophes to flourish. So, don't come crying to the rest of us in the good ole USA about your MAN MADE calamities. You people made the mess you're in, now live with it. BTW, we're not in denial. We just understand that natural forces such as earthquakes, fires, floods and volcanoes are forces of nature and could care less what you try to legislate into being.
      September 12, 2020 4:23 PM MDT