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Jared K cancelled an appearance on the Andrea Mitchell show AFTER the dipsh** said the virus would go away without a vaccine due to WHAT?


Okay. So I asked a question on another thread about how many of you understand GIBBERISH? The language spoken by the dipsh** and his adoring worshippers.

A virus goes away without a vaccine DUE TO HERD MENTALITY?

What the he** does that MEAN?

Posted - September 16, 2020


  • 10798

    He’s just talking out of his a$$ again, trying to sound like he knows something when in fact he doesn’t.   He probably meant heard immunity (but even so, he still got it wrong).  Instead of admitting he doesn’t know something, he’ll repeat things he’s heard (or thinks he’s heard), and embellishes them in order to make himself look important.  What he can’t comprehend is that not everyone is stupid as he is and can see through his BS.  When he’s called out on this either he gets angry and storms off, calls the person names, or tries to spin it in an attempt to make it look like it’s the asker who’s stupid.  However, he’s so warped up in himself (trying to look important) that he can’t see that this only makes him look even more stupid.

      September 16, 2020 1:30 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Well the dipstick is a master of GIBBERISH for sure. So he meant "immunity"? I never got that at all. I thought he meant "mentality" and I struggled with trying to figger it out. So herd immunity is tons of people get exposed and many die but eventually everyone becomes immune? How many should die? How long does the immunity last? It just ridiculouser every day Shuhak. Thanks for interpreting what dipstick meant. It never occurred to me. SIGH. Do you support herd immunity? It sounds like premeditatd murder to me. Happy Thursday to thee and thine! STAY SAFE! :)
      September 17, 2020 2:01 AM MDT

  • 10798
    Heard immunity has to happen (even with a vaccine).  the more who are immune, the less will die (even if they aren't vaccinated).
      September 17, 2020 12:59 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Seriously? So you are on board with Dr. Scott Atlas the jacka** picture taker who is now the head expert on the virus? Seriuosly? Millions will die.  You are not on the side of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the world wide noted IMMUNOLOGIST and INFECTIOUS DISEASES EXPERT? You support the quack backed by Donald Duck? I never thought I'd live to see this day. AARRGGH! Gag me with a spoon. It would be less painful. Thank you for your reply even though I am shocked and appalled.
      September 18, 2020 3:14 AM MDT

  • 10798
    ??????  Excuse me????

    I am not "on board" with anyone.  What I posted is a scientific fact.  Vaccines create herd immunity.  That's their purpose.  
      September 18, 2020 4:17 PM MDT

  • 113301
    A vaccine PREVENTS you from getting the disease does it not? So how is that going to facilitate herd mentality immunity when you don't get it in the first place so you have nothing to spread? Seriously Shuhak. I don't get where you are coming from. This post was edited by RosieG at September 19, 2020 2:19 PM MDT
      September 19, 2020 2:20 AM MDT

  • 10798

    In theory, that's true.  

    Herd immunity definition – “herd immunity is a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a sufficient percentage of a population has become immune to an infection, whether through vaccination or previous infections, thereby reducing the likelihood of infection for individuals who lack immunity.”

    In other words, the more people who are inoculated, the less people there are to spread the disease.
    (Remember, there's always a small percentage of people who can't take a vaccine (e.g. they’re allergic to vaccine)). 

      September 19, 2020 2:44 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Can we backup a minute please m'dear? Your words...."....immune to an infection, whether through VACCINATION...." What does that mean? That a vaccination can make you immune FOR ALL TIME or just protect you in the short term? I guess I'm having trouble with the concept of "immune". SIGH. Thanks for trying though I appreciate it! :) This post was edited by RosieG at September 20, 2020 1:18 PM MDT
      September 20, 2020 7:28 AM MDT

  • 35076
    How did H1N1 go away?  How did SARS-1 go away?  There are no vaccines for either of them.
      September 16, 2020 1:44 PM MDT

  • 17081
    Neither were one-quarter as infectious. Neither did either spawn a plethora of asymptomatic carriers - if you had one of those, you knew it.
    This is the worst pandemic since the Spanish Flu that followed the First World War. It seems that nobody learned anything from that.
      September 18, 2020 11:57 PM MDT

  • 113301
    :):):) Typical. :*
      September 19, 2020 2:27 AM MDT

  • 35076
    Not as infectious....but SARS-1 was much more deadly.

    H1N1 is still around just weaker and counted as regular influenza now. 
      September 19, 2020 5:18 AM MDT

  • 7280
    SARS-CoV-1 did not burn itself out. Rather, the outbreak was largely brought under control by simple public health measures---

    . Testing people with symptoms (fever and respiratory problems), isolating and quarantining suspected cases, and restricting travel all had an effect.Jun 5, 2020

    So, I guess such things don't go away without simple public health measures.

    Also, "transparency is key" with regard to the situation to providing information.

    And, of course, the the role of the WHO was quite important.

      September 16, 2020 4:25 PM MDT

  • 113301
    So Shuhak told me the dipstick meant to say "immunity" not "mentality". OK. Here's what I get from that. Herd immunity occurs when something like 60% get infected. How many will get very ill and have permanent damage and how many will die? I heard a statistic that something like 3 million would die. I don't know if that is accurate. But isn't forcing "herd immunity" premeditated murder? Instead of trying to protect us from it we are forced to "catch" it and whatever happens happens? This is good because? Also ho long does that immunity last? A lifetime or is that an unknown? So every time we get hit with a plague we "herd immunity" and it takes cares of itself? Does this sound as stupid to you as it does to me? Thank you for your reply tom. The dipstick gets curiouser and curiouser every day! :)
      September 17, 2020 2:06 AM MDT

  • 7280
    smallpox became the first virus epidemic to be ended by a vaccine. In the late 18th-century, a British doctor named Edward Jenner discovered that milkmaids infected with a milder virus called cowpox seemed immune to smallpox. Jenner famously inoculated his gardener’s 9-year-old son with cowpox and then exposed him to the smallpox virus with no ill effect.

    “[T]he annihilation of the smallpox, the most dreadful scourge of the human species, must be the final result of this practice,” wrote Jenner in 1801.

    And he was right. It took nearly two more centuries, but in 1980 the World Health Organization announced that smallpox had been completely eradicated from the face of the Earth.
      September 18, 2020 1:28 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for the info and the link tom. I appreciate it. What have we conquered with herd mentality immunity? Is it a serious MO? Just let people get sick without doing a thing to prevent it and those who die die and those who don't survive? And this is a good thing because? I do not know how wackadoodoenoodle crackpots earn a living spreading gibberish. Is herd mentality immunity BASED ON SCIENCE? What kind of SCIENCE? The SCIENCE of "what will be will be?" I shall ask. Happy Saturday.
      September 19, 2020 2:30 AM MDT