Okay. So I asked a question on another thread about how many of you understand GIBBERISH? The language spoken by the dipsh** and his adoring worshippers.
A virus goes away without a vaccine DUE TO HERD MENTALITY?
What the he** does that MEAN?
He’s just talking out of his a$$ again, trying to sound like he knows something when in fact he doesn’t. He probably meant heard immunity (but even so, he still got it wrong). Instead of admitting he doesn’t know something, he’ll repeat things he’s heard (or thinks he’s heard), and embellishes them in order to make himself look important. What he can’t comprehend is that not everyone is stupid as he is and can see through his BS. When he’s called out on this either he gets angry and storms off, calls the person names, or tries to spin it in an attempt to make it look like it’s the asker who’s stupid. However, he’s so warped up in himself (trying to look important) that he can’t see that this only makes him look even more stupid.
In theory, that's true.
Herd immunity definition – “herd immunity is a form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a sufficient percentage of a population has become immune to an infection, whether through vaccination or previous infections, thereby reducing the likelihood of infection for individuals who lack immunity.”
In other words, the more people who are inoculated, the less people there are to spread the disease.
(Remember, there's always a small percentage of people who can't take a vaccine (e.g. they’re allergic to vaccine)).