Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Poll: on the ID card that you use the most, which item(s) of your personal information do you wish didn’t have to be there?

Poll: on the ID card that you use the most, which item(s) of your personal information do you wish didn’t have to be there?

A. Full name

B. Middle name

C. Maiden name

D. Former last name (for instance, you’re now divorced)

E. Height

F. Weight

G. Eye color

H. Date of birth and/or age

I. Anything medically-related

J. Address (or any portion thereof)

K. Photo

L. Two or the above 

M. None of the above/other answer 


Posted - September 20, 2020


  • 33810
    M. Nothing. 

    Shouldn't A. be FIRST name?
      September 20, 2020 6:33 AM MDT

  • 53367


      Thank you for your answer. 

    No, it shouldn’t be first name.  If anyone wants that to be their answer, M is appropriate for that. 


      September 20, 2020 7:27 AM MDT
  • .

      September 20, 2020 4:49 PM MDT