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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Allegedly the demented duck said "I'M SAVING HER FOR GINSBERG". What did he mean "saving her"?

Allegedly the demented duck said "I'M SAVING HER FOR GINSBERG". What did he mean "saving her"?

That when Justice Ginsberg died (which I bet the demented duck prayed for daily) this female would be his choice for replacement.


A Catholic. Mother of 7. Very devout/religious

She says religion never enters her mind about any decision. That she relies solely and totally on the rule of law and the Constitution.

So if and when she votes to reverse roe vs wade how will she justify it apart from her devout anti-abortion belief?

Can any devout anyone separate that religious devotion from the job when the job can give her the authority to change things she doesn't like based on her RELIGIOUS BELIEFS? Seriously? We'll see.

So much palaver babble blather. They all promise to be honorable maintain dignity and integrity and separation of their person beliefs from sticking with the rule of law and the Constitution.. And they all back down and do whatever they have the power/authority to do TO PLEASE THEMSELVES. She won't be any different. She is a CATHOLIC. HAS SEVEN CHILDREN. Of course I expect she could be taking birth control pills and not find it in conflict when it comes to erasing legislation that protects a woman's right to choose. The republicans are not known for their honesty integrity values incisive thinking. They talk big and do very small. She will be a typical. Ordinary. Standard. Off the shelf. Average. Or the demented duck will revenge retaliate on her.

Posted - September 21, 2020


  • 35071
    So, the only thing the left has come up with to attack this woman on is "She is Catholic."

    There is no religious test for office. 

      September 21, 2020 9:34 AM MDT