National Baptist.
And you?
“But if you are not associated with a denomination, we have no idea of the actual principles by which you live.”
Does that mean that principles are only a result of recognized denominations?
Principles exist in people who have no religious denomination and in people who embrace no religion whatsoever. I am neither atheist nor agnostic, I believe that people who are atheist or agnostic may have principles just as fervent as a religious person’s principles.
In your example based on Catholicism, and the part about the principles thereof, none of it addresses non-religious principles. If a person has never been exposed to any religion, any religious faith, any religious teachings, are you stating his or her probability of being principled or highly principled is diminished?
As far as laziness, that can exist in almost any human group or sub-group, and even then, its definition is subjective. I am National Baptist, and while I’m certainly no Bible scholar, no seminary student, I am familiar with The Bible to a certain extent through my family and my church. I am also acquainted with some Catholics who have told me they don’t know The Bible at all, that in their faith, the person who is expected to know it (and to interpret it to the congregation) is the priest. Of course, that doesn’t mean all Catholics are like the ones who told me that, just as not all National Baptists have the same levels of participation in their faith either.