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Aftermath of the first Trump/Biden 1st Presidential “Debate”.


  Have you seen how post-“debate”, each side’s camp or base or peanut gallery is ballyhooing the greatness in how their candidate supposedly prevailed?




Posted - September 29, 2020


  • 33041
    Nothing new there.
      September 30, 2020 6:37 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Just reinforces my belief that each candidate should be in a sound-proof booth, and their microphones controlled by a timer.
      September 30, 2020 7:48 AM MDT

  • 33041
    During one of the Obama elections (I think 2012) they did do something like that. With Rick Warren asking each candidate the same questions. 
      October 9, 2020 11:17 AM MDT

  • The only thing good that came from that debate was Weird Al writing a song about it, lol.

      October 1, 2020 7:51 AM MDT