I don't believe he can pardon himself at all. For one thing, you can't be pardoned until you are convicted of something. For another, if the DOJ will not prosecute a sitting president, he would not be in a position to pardon himself (or anyone else) if he's convicted once he leaves office and once he's out of office, he has no authority to pardon.
Ya got that thug mafia flake fake AG liddle billybarfbarr deciding what is legal and what isn't. You don't think he will set things up to service the duck...if the duck survives the virus? I dunno. Thank you for your reply L and Happy Friday! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at October 2, 2020 7:12 PM MDT
He would be a perfect mob lawyer. He already works for the most corrupt crooked mobster that ever lived. He got da talent for vice and evil and shady and shyster and deceitful and demonic. He won't have any trouble getting picked up and used. Thank you for your reply L! :)