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Add "SYM" to PATHETIC and what do you get? SYMPATHETIC. Surely there is a connection there somewhere. Isn't there?

Posted - October 5, 2020


  • 3719
    There is: Sym means approximately, mutual or together.

    Pathetic in its true sense means touching, or  causing pity or sorrow. It's from the Greek, Pathos, which means (emotional) feeling. The unaltered word is used in a literary sense to describe a scene or conclusion in a play or novel that arouses such feelings for dramatic effect; sometimes in a rapid and considerable change of mood from that prevailing.

    So sympathetic means to share the feelings of the other, usually in a sad situation.

    The use of "pathetic" to denigrate a person or thing, is common but it is slang and does not even match the etymology!
      October 8, 2020 4:19 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for the visit to word meanings m'dear. I appreciate it. Of course when I say someone is pathetic I mean a lot of things the word itself probably definition-wise does not convey. It is a word I often use to show my disdain contempt and disgust. Of course I use other words too when speaking of the dumb cluck duck. None of them is flattering or kind. I detest and despise the duck. There is no punishment sufficient to give him what he deserves for what he is and what he has done. In my opinion. We cannot help how we react or what we think. We can control what we say and do. I take full responsibility for all my words. Always have and always will. I cannot say it a side of me of which I am proud because I'm not. I wish I were tempered and more reserved but I yam what I yam (quoting Popeye there...yes I love spinach). In fact if you have not gathered it Answermug is where I vent. I ask all the questions that occur to me and if anyone answers any of them it delights me. But if no one ever replied or responded I would not stop asking. I can't. I'll explode. It's my way of venting so I don't. I have no idea how others handle this "experience" but it's the best I can do. Thank you for your reply Durdle! :)
      October 9, 2020 2:24 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Oh, I've probably used the word 'pathetic' in its slang way, too!

    As for your dislike of President Donald John Trump, yes we have noticed! :-)

    I've no great respect for him either, and he seems to be losing his grasp of the role and indeed reality. However, I am aware he still has a lot of support in the USA, and your election might be quite close. His main election promise was to revive American industry, but I don't know to what extent his government succeeded, or if the recovery would have happened anyway. A friend who has watched things more closely than I remarked that at least Trump is a lot more moderate in his political and social views than Vice-President Pense, but I don't know if he is right about that.

      October 10, 2020 3:18 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Your "friend"? Does he/she/it/they know that currently the dumb cluck duck is on a TEAR and badgering his bogus fake attorney general to ARREST and IMPRISON Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and others he deems as his enemies? I AM NOT JOKING! The dumb cluck duck mercilessly excoriated Jeff Sessions, his previous AG, for recusing himself from anything having to do with the election. The hatred the dumb cluck duck feels for Sessions for recusing himself extended to working to have him lose a Senate election after he had been fired. The fake AG billybarfbarr has  eradicated all law and order to give the dumb cluck duck what he wants. So far barfbarr has resisted the dumb cluck duck DEMAND that his "enemies" be arrested and imprisoned NOW before the election. It is obvious to all that the dumb cluck duck is irrational more than usual. I would not count too much on the view of your "friend" if he is sympathetic with anything the dumb cluck duck has done. "a lot more moderate in his political and social views"? So being a white supremacist and supporting racist organizations and violence by domestic terrorists like the PROUD BOYS is moderate to your 'friend"? Could your friend be a racist too? I've no idea what your friend is but smart astute aware he is not. Sure I'm ticked. Not at you. You can't help what your friends are or what they think or what their racist inclinations are. Just be careful Durdle. Don't let such "friends" poison your mind. You are better than that. Do you know that a 17 year old murdered two peaceful protesters and wounded a third...a dumb cluck duck huge supporter? Know what the dumb cluck duck did? SYMPATHIZED with the murderer and ordered his toady sycophants to treat him kindly and call him a PATRIOT! Again I am not joking. This really happened and keeps happening repeatedly. The dumb cluck duck always sides with the perp and always attacks the victim. His MO. Okay. I beat that horse beyond death. Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Saturday to you and yours! STAY SAFE! This post was edited by RosieG at October 10, 2020 3:48 AM MDT
      October 10, 2020 3:46 AM MDT

  • 3719
    I fear you misunderstand me.

    I don't think my friend would be too impressed by the quotation marks and "he/she/it". He, actually. Nor do I regard him as "poisoning" my mind; and he is no racist.

    He is no fan of Donald Trump either but had meant that Mike Pence is even further to the Right than Trump.

    As it happens Pence was the subject of this week's Profile, a weekly BBC Radio Four programme in which each edition examines the background, character and career of someone in the public eye. It would seem this one of six children of Irish Catholic parents, started his political career as a Democrat but changed to Republican, and is indeed more extreme on some aspects. To be fair, he is much better behaved socially than Trump, including towards women despite his views on abortion among other social matters.  My friend was not supporting either Trump or Pence, but comparing their views.

    Yes, I had heard of that murder and Trump's remarks about it. Unless I have confused the case with another, isn't this the youth who shot his victims then apparently tried to give himself up to police officers driving by, but they either ignored him or simply failed to see him? I know Trump has publicly thanked some very unsavoury people for their support.
      October 11, 2020 2:24 PM MDT