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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Never saw the movie DUMB AND DUMBER but I gues sit was funny. A duck and his veep being DUMB and DUMBER? Funny no?

Never saw the movie DUMB AND DUMBER but I gues sit was funny. A duck and his veep being DUMB and DUMBER? Funny no?

Posted - October 5, 2020


  • 6023
    Saw the movie.
    Didn't think it was that funny.
    I was honestly surprised they made a second one.

    Then again, I don't enjoy most of Jim Carrey's movies.
      October 5, 2020 1:56 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I didn't see it Walt. The title alone for me was a turnoff. You know my favorite Jim Carey movie? The one where his entire life was being filmed and the whole watched and he didn't have a clue the "people" in his life were actors playing their roles? That is an unforgettable to me and I wonder how many of us in that circumstance would have been as oblivious as he was for so long. How real are the people we encounter? How many of them are simply playing roles they think suit them. I'm going to ask. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to thee and thine. So how are things firewise and COVID wise in your neck of the woods?
      October 6, 2020 2:29 AM MDT

  • 6023

    Ah, yeah.
    The Truman Show.
    That was one of the few of his movies I mostly enjoyed.

    An entire city of actors, with the "star" unaware?
    Probably not that difficult, with modern technology.
    I mean, all the cameras outside wouldn't even have to be hidden ... just claim they are security cameras.
    And cameras are small enough to be virtually undetectable inside, unless you are specifically looking for them.
    Heck, we could turn the entire city into "stars" ... and have a REAL "Big Brother" show.
    Wouldn't even matter if they were aware of being filmed, as they would never know if they were being shown to the audience.

      October 6, 2020 6:55 AM MDT

  • 113301
    For me that is the best part of sci fi fantasy movies. Those that could really be. I mean chances of us being in a bar and having it filled with the folks that were in the Star Wars Bar? Remember? It was enjoyable and entertaining fer sure but not gonna ever happen to thee and me. Probably. But the guy being guileless and so trusting that he is easily faked out by so many? Sadly I've been there and it is not any fun at all. Living there 24/7 would crush my soul. Thank you for your reply Walt. How do you know if someone is real or a bogus? Are there constant "tells" that tip you off? Oh this is kinda off the topic but I just wanted to remind you of something I told you months ago after we'd chatted for quite a long while and I believe I accused you of being a Devil's Advocate (which is not a compliment by the way) but we got through it because YOU NEVER ONCE TOOK OFFENSE AT ANYTHING I SAID. You always took it at face value and responded with logic and so if you recall at one point I told you "I TRUST YOU". Did you wonder why? I did too actually but now I know why! Because you don't look for things to be angry about or ticked off about. You just take EVERYTHING in stride and maintain a calm composure no matter what. I wish I could be that have that do that but well I can't. Anyway I don't mean to embarrass you but now I finally know why I trust some folks and don't trust others. If they are always looking for a reason to be insulted or attack that's one thing. But if they are always trying to calmly and logically exchange ideas that I can take 24/7 with much appreciation. Geez I'm sure a chatty cathy today. Wonder why?  Apologies for any eyestrain I caused. I'll do better. This post was edited by RosieG at October 6, 2020 7:16 AM MDT
      October 6, 2020 7:09 AM MDT

  • 6023
    I'm really bad about reading "body language" ... so the only way I have to tell if someone is "real or bogus" is their actions.
    Which sometimes means I "learn the hard way" not to trust them.
    But I'm a fast learner, so they only get 1 or 2 chances.  (and 2 only if there's a darn good excuse for the first one)

    Of course, somebody could have good actions for the wrong reasons.
    But that's better than having bad actions for good reasons.  IMO.

    It's easier to maintain a calm composure online, where you can't hear tone of voice or see body language.
    It's just words on a screen, and you "hear" them however you want.
    In person, I have been told I "have a short fuse, but it takes a long time to light it".
    Not sure how that's different from having a long fuse.  LOL
    As a former boss said: "If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?"
    (he was of Polish-Irish descent, and told the funniest Polish and Irish jokes)
      October 6, 2020 7:49 AM MDT