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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » So you don't want to be forced to serve in the military. You don't want to be forced to vote. How about this then?

So you don't want to be forced to serve in the military. You don't want to be forced to vote. How about this then?

Any homo sap who entertains the thought of running for president should have always voted and served in the military? Too much still?

I think when the commander in chief has the power to send human beings into a war where many of them will die he/she should at least have been willing to do it too. Don't you?

As it is...or as it seems...the dumb cluck duck was shipped off to military school to live away from home for whatever reason his parents could concoct to get him out of the house.

His rich daddy bought him out of serving his country. Not the only one of course but the others weren't a president.  He plays with HIS toy soldiers and moves them like chess pieces on a chessboard. Threatens to send them out in the streets at home. To the border to keep "the other" out. To patrol voting. Chess pieces don't feel or think. They just are.

So what do YOU think and why?

Now of course a CAVEAT would be if the wannabe had some health/medical condition that would preclude his being suitable for the military. Fake bonespurs don't cut it.

But asthma? My gawd can you imagine an attack on the battlefield? Reaching for your inhaler or your gun? That is absurd and could not be done.

It's said that having flat feet kept you out. Why? What does an arched foot have to do with unsuitability for the military?

Posted - October 9, 2020


  • 17053
    High arches, or a lack of them, can be a problem if suitable boots are unavailable. Route marches, day after day, require the fit of a trooper's boots to be well-nigh perfect.

    Way back when, kings LED their troops into battle. How about making that a prerequisite?
      October 9, 2020 3:32 AM MDT

  • 113301
    ((hugs)) Dam* you're good R! That is a SERIOUSLY AWESOME bettering of my question. Absolutely positively no question. Yes. I appoint YOU to set it up in some other place and time. Now how many wars would we NOT HAVE HAD if that were a requirement? ALL OF THEM? I guess way back in the ancient days of Genghis Khan he adored to hack and slay. Good. Done. Right? Thank you for your reply! Now where do I sign? This post was edited by RosieG at October 9, 2020 3:39 AM MDT
      October 9, 2020 3:38 AM MDT