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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Hiring is slowing. Unemployment is growing. No help line in the pipe. More virus cases exploding. What more dare you ask for from a duck?

Hiring is slowing. Unemployment is growing. No help line in the pipe. More virus cases exploding. What more dare you ask for from a duck?


Okay. Why not? Ga head. Ask.

Posted - October 9, 2020


  • 10562

    That s not what the president is saying.  According to him – the stock market is up (higher than it’s ever been).  Employers are hiring like crazy (he spoke to them all personally).  The virus is all but gone (he took the bullet for us all.  In fact, if we stop testing altogether, there won’t be any more cases.  Zero tests.  Zero cases.  It’s simple math.).  Why, if it weren’t for the lying democrats, America would be riding high.

    He has said so much BS that the bulls are now protesting that he’s given their **** a bad name.

      October 9, 2020 11:48 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I think I am horrified out Shuhak. Or out of horrified. There's none left in the tank. A body can only take so much and then it just simply has to let it all go. Every day there is so much stupid dumb. The duck ranted for about 2 hours on the rush limbaugh show I heard and rush had to cut him off finally! Yes. It is THAT BAD. And yet his minions are in the millions. Go figger. Thank you for your reply! :)
      October 10, 2020 1:37 AM MDT

  • 10562
    You know I was trying to mock him in my reply.  But honestly, as I was writing it I felt sick.  Even my worst mocking is 100% true.  How can anything like that be?  It's got to be really bad when the most outlandish jokes anyone can imagine are reality.  I'm waiting (begging) to wake up from this nightmare.  Unfortunately, I'm afraid the worst is yet to come.  Purposely infecting people?  This "person's" attitude has become "if I can't be president then no one can!".  and yet they still flock to him.  I've run out of words to describe my feelings (used them all up) .  it's utterly beyond comprehension - squared! 
      October 10, 2020 9:42 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I am with you and support EVERY WORD. But you know what? Right now I'm listening to two celebrities filled to the brim with joy because they helped save someone's vote. Over the top. They are standing up and speaking up and SHOUTING OUT and DOING SOMETHING! Never in my life have I seen such devotion to making sure an election happens. I called our local Dem office and got a lot of great information. Never ever did that before but now? It is essential to make sure we do exactly what is required and put our completed ballots in the right drop box which by the way will be monitored to make sure everything is secure. Sad that it is necessary. SO GLAD that we have help. You know Shuhak as we get older things do not get easier. I can't tell you how much better Jim and I feel now having called the Dem office. Thank you for your reply. Can you open your windows and breathe the outside air? How is your sister and her family doing. VERY WELL I hope. Take care.
      October 10, 2020 10:00 AM MDT

  • 10562
    the prez and his "swamp" are doing everything they can to destroy the election.  he knows he cant win fairly.  Everyone knows he's been a charter al his life (public knowledge).

    The air here isn't really good yet.  Yes, they have most of the fires down so they aren't eating as much smoke, but it's still there. (AQI still in the moderate zone).  I have opened the house up on a few occasions, but, alas, the smoke has taken it toll on me.  My voice is very raspy, and is gone completely by most late afternoons.  This is what happens to someone who's smoked numerous packs of cigarettes every day of their life, not to a non-smoker.  I'm afraid not even good air (once it finally comes) will help much.
    My sister is doing well.  The smoke gets her too.  Her husband had to have more surgery on his shoulder.  He didn't take care of it after his last surgery a few months ago and it froze up.  So they had to go back and "loosen" it.
      October 10, 2020 11:24 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh geez Shuhak. FROZEN SHOULDER? Believe it or not decades ago I had it too. Was told with proper exercise, physical therapy and care it could unfreeze without surgery. I followed everything they told me and it did in fact heal without surgery. They said that to free a frozen shoulder you have to go in and pull it apart because it is being held in place by I forgot what they called them and you just have to rip the shoulder away from them. I don't know if that is still true. This was easily 30 years ago and things will surely have changed since then. Big condolences. It took many months of physical therapy and exercise for me to begin to be able to raise my arm. I'm sorry your brother-in-law didn't follow what he was told to do and I betcha he is sorry too. As for your lungs gosh I sure hope whatever "damage" has been done is reversible fixable repairable. People who don't smoke can die of lung cancer because they live with a smoker. I wonder if anyone feels guilty knowing that and stops smoking? Anyway I digressed. Have a great Monday m'dear...within the realm of what is possible these days. :)
      October 11, 2020 5:56 AM MDT

  • 10562
    I believe a frozen shoulder is held together by scar tissue.
      October 11, 2020 9:34 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Scar tissue yes but there is another word for it. If I can think of it I'll let you know! OH I JUST DID. ADHESIONS! That's what they are called! Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :) This post was edited by RosieG at October 15, 2020 9:20 AM MDT
      October 15, 2020 4:59 AM MDT