How would any man love having women have complete control over what they can do or not do with their bodies?
You want a drug to counteract your impotence? Tough luck. Go suck an egg!
You want an operation so you stop making babies? Tough luck. Go suck an egg!
See how fun it is to be under the complete control of the opposite sex?Sheesh. What dummies the GOP male pols are. AS IF! The women who want to force other women to lose control over their bodies are TRAITORS TO THEIR GENDER. Wannabe men? Girly men? Sheesh. .Get permission of hubby dearest for everything everytime all the time. No independent thought. Barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen or bedroom. That's all women are good for right? Welcome to 1950!
Well how about reciprocity. Women call the shots with respect to men and men call the shots with respect to women.
That will make for so many happycampers won't it? You betchure bippy! What's a bippy?