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Why do men insist upon taking away a woman's right over her own body? Is it vicarous sex domination from dirty old men?

How would any man  love having women have complete control over what they can do or not do with their bodies?

You want a drug to counteract your impotence? Tough luck. Go suck an egg!

You want an operation so you stop making babies? Tough luck. Go suck an egg!

See how fun it is to be under the complete control of the opposite sex?Sheesh. What dummies the GOP male pols are. AS IF! The women who want to force other women to lose control over their bodies are TRAITORS TO  THEIR GENDER. Wannabe men? Girly men? Sheesh. .Get permission of hubby dearest for everything everytime all the time. No independent thought. Barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen or bedroom. That's all women are good for right? Welcome to 1950!

Well how about reciprocity. Women call the shots with respect to men and men call the shots with respect to women.

That will make for so many happycampers won't it?  You betchure bippy! What's a bippy?

Posted - October 13, 2020


  • 16632
    I'm in favour of contra, despite being raised Catholic. Our daughter was conceived because a condom broke and we didn't get Plan B - required a prescription at the time (1988) and it was Friday night, doctors were closed until the following Monday unless we went to a hospital. So she counted back days and figured she was safe. She wasn't. 
    These days, contra is even more reliable, easy to get and Plan B is available OTC at just about any corner drugstore. Nothing wrong with pills, either - the RC position on contra is morally indefensible. My daughter went on the pill at 13, nothing to do with contra (she was virgin at the time), it was to regulate her periods and relieve cramping. Prior to that, she was kneeling on the bathroom  floor three days per month, screaming for me, her mother or God to "JUST MAKE IT STOP!" This post was edited by Slartibartfast at October 15, 2020 5:11 AM MDT
      October 14, 2020 4:27 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I'm not Catholic I'm Armenian Apostolic which is kinda like Greek Orthodox. We believe in contraception. It is not a sin to prevent pregnancy. It would be a sin to not prevent it and then get an abortion though. I'm not sure if that is stipulated in church doctrine. It's just what I think. If you don't want kids protect yourself from getting pregnant. Simple. That 's when it's merely a choice between whether you want to be bothered by being responsible for another human being or you don't. When other things come into play like rape or incest that's another horse of another color. I remember there were times I had terrible cramps and just wanted to go to sleep and wake up when they were over. There are reasons why people choose to do what they do. Some of them may not suit others but unless you are in the same shoes it's hard to judge. Thank you for your reply R! :)
      October 15, 2020 5:15 AM MDT