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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Georgia REPUBBACAN sinator David Perdue is well-named. PERDUE means LOST en francais. A loster soult there never was wuz there?.

Georgia REPUBBACAN sinator David Perdue is well-named. PERDUE means LOST en francais. A loster soult there never was wuz there?.

Fuzzy wuzzy wuz a bear
Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair
Fuzzy wuzzy wusn't fuzzy wuzzy?

He be da guy what is reacist bigly and attacked KAMALA HARRIS. If ya din't no now you no. Ya no?

Posted - October 20, 2020


  • Perdue's Senate seat has been purchased because New York and California need another senator representing them. Perdue's conundrum was of his own making because he had nothing to run on from the last six years. If you do nothing, you're not retained. We wouldn't miss David Perdue here if he was being replaced by someone who is sane and rational. You know, a product of the real world. If he has attacked Harris, the only shame in it was that he didn't do it long before now. He might have saved his Senate seat. The real shame is that the rest of us won't have a senator representing Georgia for the next six years.
      October 20, 2020 11:45 AM MDT