Allegedly a woman in jail was raped multiple times by a guard. She got pregnant, had the baby and 4 days later he raped her again.
She sued and was awarded. $6.7 million but the prison appealed and said it was not liable for the actions of the guard because rape was not mentioned in his job description. The amy dame signed on to that view. The prisoner was not to blame.
Now should prisoners have the expectation of not being raped or murdered once in prison or does whatever happens to them something they deserve?
Prisons have no duty to keep prisoners safe? Is that how it goes? So once in prison whatever happens happens and no one can be blamed or faulted or sued?
A prison sentence can be a death sentence and sometimes is and well that's the way the cookie crumbles?
Shouldn't patients have expectations of being safe in hospitals?
Shouldn't children and their parents have expectations of being safe at school?
Shouldn't employees have expectations of working in a safe environment?
Keeping employers from being sued no matter what happens seems to be a particular OBSESSION of moscow mitch. Those forced to go back to work cannot sue their employer if they get the virus per the son of itch. He works very hard to keep his johns protected. Forget the victims. They don't count. They are expendable. What matters most is that the business owner is safe from being sued for his/her actions or lack thereof.
Y'all are good with this right? Y'all support it?