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Some Catholics will abandon the Pope! Know what he had the NERVE TO SAY?

Gay couples deserve legal protections. All are children of God and deserve to have a family. The pope supports same-sex civil unions.

Also the Pope CONDEMNS what duck did at the border separating families. The pope said it was "cruelty of the highest form.

Supports LGBTQ community. Condems the duck.

What in the world are y'all gonna do with THAT?

Posted - October 21, 2020


  • 10562
    God condemns sexual perversion because it is harmful to us.  It just causes us problems and heartache.  When we do things the way He says we have less problems than when we try to make up our own rules.

    Contrary to popular belief, the pope doesn't speak for God.  God speaks through His word (the Bible).  Anyone who says something different than what the Bible already says is a blasphemer and an anti-christ.

    "...the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it."
      October 21, 2020 12:46 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Shuhak. The BIBLE was written by many human beings over many decades. The Council of Niceaa decided what would be included and what would be excluded. Ever play the game of "telephone"? Everyone sits in a circle and someone whispers a sentence into the ear of the person sitting next to him/her. The whisper continues around the circle and the last person to hear it is the one who states it. The changes from the original to what you hear is usually massively different. You are fixed in your beliefs and certainly entitled to that. You think the BIBLE is the word of GOD. You forget that GOD did not do the writing or the editing or the choosing of what got in and what was blocked. Different strokes. This post was edited by RosieG at October 22, 2020 10:38 AM MDT
      October 22, 2020 4:57 AM MDT

  • 10562

    (No disrespect intended).

    Does God exist or is there only an empty cosmos out there?  When we pray, are we talking to another being or just to ourselves? 

    If there is no god, then all we here do is meaningless.  Those who do evil are no better off than those who do good.  We’re born, we live for a few brief moments, and then we cease to exist.  We see around us that many who do evil prosper, while many who do good are oppressed.  So what’s the point of doing good if all it brings is oppression?  Why waste our few precious moments of existence being miserable?

    Perhaps there is there a god.  If so, what’s it like?  Is it mean and cruel or is it nice and loving?  Does it care about us or, are we like ants in the sun to it and it has a huge magnifying glass?  Did that god make us or is it merely some highly advanced alien creature bent on dominating us?  Does it want to communicate with us or are we too insignificant for it to notice?  How do we know?  I sure haven’t heard a loud voice from the sky, have you? 

    How do we know what other people want?  Do we simply try to guess?  What if we guess wrong?  What if their frantic waving was intended to warn us that a car was about to hit us, but we guessed that they were just waving to be friendly?  How do you know about your friend in another city, state or country? 

    There is a God and He has communicated to us.  He’s told us what He’s like and that He desires a close relationship with us.  But how powerful is this “god”?   Is He more powerful than we are or are we just as powerful as He is?  If we’re more powerful than he is, then he is not a god.  If we are just as powerful as he is (equal), then he’s not really a god, only another being like we are.  But if he is more powerful, should we not fear Him?  

    If God is more powerful than we are, could He not make sure any communications He gave to us remain intact – for any length of time?  If he can’t then he’s not as powerful as he claims.  If we can distort His communications to us, that means we are more powerful than he is.  And as I said earlier, if we are more powerful than he is, then he is no god.

      October 22, 2020 12:05 PM MDT