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Some believe the BIBLE is the WORD OF GOD. I wonder if they understand its genesis, history?

It was written over many decades by many people....male people.

THE COUNCIL OF NICAE decided what would be included and what would be excluded. Politics in the church was always active and powerful. Even then there was SPIN. THere were NO WOMEN on that council.

Men wrote what we are told GOD inspired them to write. MEN decided which versions of which inspired writers would be sanctified as being worthy of being included. Notice the almost complete absence of women? THAT WAS NOT GOD'S doing. GOD does not PREFER men to women. Unless your version of GOD does in which case if that belief comforts you by all means cling to it.

So the BIBLE as it finally evolved, YOUR VERSION, is absolutely THE WORD OF GOD? Okay. Whatever you say.

Posted - October 22, 2020


  • 35006
    The Bible is the World of God. God guided and lead the many
    writers over thousands of years (not decades) to complete His Word. 

    Women are not absent from the Word. The Bible records that Israel had a woman as their leader. Many women are listed as leaders and teachers of the church. 

    Counsil of Nisae evaluated the each book based on the content and if it lined up with what they knew was fact. Many were written hundreds of years after the their supposed author had died. Of course those were discarded. 

    No one is forced to believe the Bible. I chose to believe. I see its prophecies being fullfilled as we live today.  I see in history prophecies that have been fulfilled. 
      October 22, 2020 6:53 AM MDT

  • 10787

    Let me get this straight.  There's an omnipotent God who created the entire universe; who brought things into existence than never were just by speaking.  And yet somehow isn't able to keep humans from messing up His word?  If that's true, then technically we're more powerful that he is.  If that's true then he really isn't a god. 

    The bible was penned by 40 men over a period of around 1500 years.  That means many of the writers didn't see or talk to each other.  Yet in all 66 books, there isn't one single contradiction.  Now, it’s completely impossible for two people to write about the same thing and not contradict each other at least once - even if they’re in the same room.  Moreover, the bible accurately prophesied about many things long before they ever happened.  How can anyone accurately know the future unless they were told by someone who already knew?  The only conclusion is that although people penned the bible, it wasn’t “written” by them (used their own words).   

    While the bible does contain history, its purpose wasn’t intended to be just another history book.  Its purpose was/is to tell us what our creator is like and how we can be with Him forever.  And it does just that.

      October 22, 2020 4:26 PM MDT

  • 7280
    Yep--very good.

    I think that your first paragraph indicates that God was the originator of "tough love."
      October 22, 2020 8:48 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Thursday.
      October 23, 2020 3:31 AM MDT

  • 7280
    Well, it's spelled Nicaea---for reference purposes.

    Can you imagine how Christ would have been perceived if He had given us a theological explanation of the consequent and antecedent wills of God?

    You can't teach a fetus in utero a language---some things require the "fullness of time" before we humans are capable of understanding (at least to some limited degree) what God is.

    If, as He said, God will be with His Church always, why would you think that His inspiration was not also present to the men at Nicaea?
      October 22, 2020 8:47 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply tom and Happy Thursday.
      October 23, 2020 3:31 AM MDT

  • 7280
    Just an alternate interpretation by me of the topic.  The history of God's interaction with man is like some of those LEGO kits that can make either a boat or a plane with the parts inside---but with "salvation history" to refer to, there are lots of ways to put the pieces together.
      October 23, 2020 2:24 PM MDT