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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » If you wonder WHY women don't report sexual attacks look to yourselves for the answer. Do you believe them or are they all liars?

If you wonder WHY women don't report sexual attacks look to yourselves for the answer. Do you believe them or are they all liars?

To be a victim of a sexually perverted person and then be attacked again for "lying" when you tell the truth is not something women particularly enjoy. So they try to stifle it. But they never forget. It doesn't go away.
It is always part of whom they are. It is a fact of life that women have to deal with and they don't all deal with it in the same way. Some try to forget it. Some go into analysis. Some never   trust men again so their relationships are often very difficult and short-term. Everyone is permanently damaged by it.  So on top of that to let others pile on and accuse them of lying and ulterior motives and wanting money and fame?  They'd rather remain silent. Until a dumb-a** like Trump shows up and says on TV that he never acted on his words. That did the trick for several of them to come forward. If the dumb-a** had admitted it and apologized for it they may never have said a word. But he didn't. He said he NEVER acted on any  of his words. So he is getting what is coming to him as all liars do...the truth will serve to show him what he did wrong, whom he harmed and that no matter how rich and powerful he  is getting away with it is not going to be an option. Justice prevails. Nice, ain't it?

Posted - October 14, 2016


  • 46117
    I remember you thinking Bill Cosby was INNOCENT despite the claims of many women to the contrary.  
      October 14, 2016 8:00 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Once again your memory fails you. I NEVER ONCE SAID THAT because I don't believe it. NEVER ONCE.  You are ei\ther confusing me with someone else because your memory is faulty or you are lying. I have no idea which it is nor do I care..
      October 15, 2016 2:21 AM MDT

  • 691
    If women report sexual attacks then people like hillary will call them trash and bimbos and greedy for money or attention. Even if a 12 year old girl is rape then someone like hillary will say she is crazy and attracted to older men while knowing the man is guilty. So of course they do not report.  Even if they stay consistent to their story for years or decades they will be ignored while random hillary supporters who stay silent until a few days ago will receive unending media attention. How that must make the rape victims feel? I could today accuse trump of kissing me 7 years ago and the media would treat that more seriously than women who really were raped and reported at the time. That is the type of sickening world the hillary supporters are creating.
      October 14, 2016 8:51 AM MDT

  • 1326
    To this day I have never reported an incident that I experienced as a very young girl. Fear has been the main reason. Not all women that are assaulted are lying. Btw, I am neutral on political matters.  This post was edited by Autumnleaves at October 15, 2016 2:28 AM MDT
      October 14, 2016 11:33 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I experienced one was I was 10 and then again one as an adult. I told my mom about the incident that happened to me as a child only when I was an adult. She was shocked and saddened. But I have never told anyone about what happened once as an adult.  I was too shocked and hurt by the person who did it and I could never bring myself to tell a soul. So when I see these women being attacked for finally having the courage to talk about it I feel very bad for them. You tell the truth and get pilloried for it.  Thank you for your reply Autumn and Happy Saturday my friend.  You are the first person I have ever told about the "incident" as an adult and I will NEVER divulge who did it . It would hurt others to know  and I have no wish to do that. ((hugs))
      October 15, 2016 2:28 AM MDT

  • 22891
    if that ever happened to me i wouldve reported it
      October 16, 2016 8:00 PM MDT