Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Last I checked Joe had 253 electoral college votes cinched. He needs 270. Last I heard the dumb cluck duck had 214. What happens at 270?

Last I checked Joe had 253 electoral college votes cinched. He needs 270. Last I heard the dumb cluck duck had 214. What happens at 270?

Is the timer on the DOG WHISTLES set automatically to go off at 270 once Joe reches it?

Millions of white supremacists weaponized out in the streets...DOGS OF WAR...getting even? Murdering anything they see that isn't an obvious dumb cluck duck devotee?

Dare you go out without your protective camoflage?

How many will be murdered the first day? How many totally? None of the murderers will face charges. All of the murders will be praised saluted medaled and given great honor by the dumb cluck duck. Red is his color. Deep red. Blood flowing the streets is his ultimate dream. Wait for it. It's coming to a neighborhood near you. Yea for the duck.

Posted - November 5, 2020


  • 33859
    It is going to the courts. 

    Violence over election in NYC already....Biden supporters. 
      November 5, 2020 4:43 AM MST

  • 1953
    Of course he's going to try and take things to court, the big orange crybaby is not used to being told no so now he's having a huge hissy fit, best part about it He's going down in American history as the biggest sore loser ever!!!! 
      November 5, 2020 5:16 AM MST

  • 113301
    You know what is so very puzzling about him? HE WAS A SORE WINNER! All he has don eis whine complain kvetch moan groan crying about how he has been a VICTIM!  HE WON and he still moans and groans and whinya** tantrums and hissy fits. Weird. Thank you for your reply Echooos! What happens today is anyone's giuess but guaranteed it will be humiliating embarrassing and shameful for the dumb cluck duck. That is the world in which he lives 24/7! :) Sadly he forces to do so too.
      November 5, 2020 5:20 AM MST