Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » THE PRESIDENT-ELECT IS JOE BIDEN! At 8:25 am pacific coast time! Now the hard part begins. YOU ALL IN?

THE PRESIDENT-ELECT IS JOE BIDEN! At 8:25 am pacific coast time! Now the hard part begins. YOU ALL IN?

Posted - November 7, 2020


  • 6477
    Excellent news... I couldn't be happier.. it's such a relief.. 

    I might even have to get a new hobby now!
      November 7, 2020 1:05 PM MST

  • 113301
    I know m'dear. Just seeing the joy reflected in so many places. I even heard that bells rang out in Paris! Is that awesome or what? Our joy is shared with the world. Amazing Grace how sweet the sound! Thank you for your reply Addb and a very Happy Sunday to thee and thine. It s a GlORIOUS Day isn't it? :)
      November 8, 2020 12:36 AM MST

  • 7280
    I have been unabashedly wallowing vicariously in the joyful celebrations that are being televised.  With apologies to Jesus Christ---who I actually think appreciates a good joke---but history may treat this as the second most important "redemption" in the history of the world.

    What a wonderful contrast to the "not my president" demonstrations that ensued after Trump was elected in 2016.

    The majority of voters apparently realized that Trump's indiscretions---which are the most telling examples of his moral bankruptcy, self centeredness, and other basic poor judgments---and coupled with his official actions exemplify the danger he would have presented to our republic were he granted a second term.

    (Personally, I have not enjoyed wandering aimlessly in the desert for the last four years while being governed by the Orange Idol that marketed himself as golden when he was no more than cheap brass.)

    And, Mirabile dictu (Wonderful to relate), Bill Barr's reign of terror on the citizens will be stopped.
      November 7, 2020 4:35 PM MST

  • 113301
    I heard that churchbells rang out in Paris to celebrate the good news! It will be an end to my sincere and severely deep puzzlement about how anyone anywhere would WANT a demented duck for president. But sadly 70 MILLION homo saps voted for the duck. Aptly named he is now in his LAME DUCK period of time. It perplexes me that we fired a guy but he doesn't leave for 2 and one-half months? How does that make sense? Whatever. A huge wrong was righted. He has a lot of time to damage as much as he can. Let's see if any of the checks and balances kick in to control him. In any case m'dear thank you for your thoughtful reply and a very very most Happy Sunday to you and yours! Can one be numb with joy? I think I am that! :)
      November 8, 2020 12:42 AM MST

  • 7280
    I think numbness in your case is a symptom of ecstasy---in the sense of the natural high, not the drug one..
      November 8, 2020 1:16 PM MST

  • 113301
    That m'dear is a fine and KIND and LOVELY thing to say to me. I'm at peace once again. Content. Happy. Nothing to take on or refute or argue about. THY WILL BE DONE. The core of the infection/disease has been excised. Yes I know. There is still damage than can and surely will be done. But we survived and we can only sincerely and truly and surely be on the road to recovery. Whatever the person who lost the election does or says or tries is irrelevant and only short-term. We are living in the long term which is but a few weeks away. It's scrumptious to feel this way again. Thank you for your reply tom! :) This post was edited by RosieG at November 9, 2020 11:28 AM MST
      November 9, 2020 4:06 AM MST

  • 19938
    I can understand Trump's base "base," but what I cannot understand is how Trump was given a pass by the Evangelical community.  He is everything they rail against.  So much for "family values."
      November 8, 2020 6:09 AM MST

  • 7280
    I agree.  Of course, behavior is overdetermined---which is just a fancy way of saying that people make decisions for sometimes intellectually incomprehensible reasons.
      November 8, 2020 1:19 PM MST

  • 19938
    So it would seem.  
      November 8, 2020 3:19 PM MST

  • 113301
      November 9, 2020 4:09 AM MST

  • 113301
      November 9, 2020 4:08 AM MST

  • 113301
      November 9, 2020 4:08 AM MST