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Vaccines for Covid 90% effective. Gov Cuomo says he will try to prevent Trump from distributing it. Good or bad?

Posted - November 9, 2020


  • 53686


      At least it’s just like many, many politicians have been saying: it’s not a political issue. 

      November 9, 2020 9:10 AM MST

  • 19937
    Once again, you haven't provided a link to your claim and, after looking it up myself, I see you've given only half the story.  Here is the reasoning behind Cuomo's decision:

    "According to the governor, the administration’s plan will be ineffective because it will be implemented through the private sector.

    “They’re going to take this vaccine and they’re going to go through the private mechanism. Through hospitals, through drug market chains, et cetera. That’s going to be slow and that’s going to bypass the communities that we call health care deserts,” Cuomo said. “If you don’t have a Rite Aid or a CVS then you’re in trouble and that’s what happened the first time with Covid.”

    Cuomo has previously stated he would be skeptical of a vaccine approved by the Food and Drug Administration during Trump’s tenure.

    “What I said I’m going to do in New York is we’re going to put together our own group of doctors and medical experts to review the vaccine and the efficacy and the protocol, and if they say it’s safe, I’ll go to the people of New York and I will say it’s safe with that credibility,” Cuomo said in mid-October. “But I believe, all across the country, you are going to need someone other than this FDA and this CDC saying it’s safe.”

      November 9, 2020 10:34 AM MST

  • 35036
    I did not give his reasoning at all. I do not care about his reasoning. He stated clearly that he plans to work with other Governors to change the plan or to BLOCK it. 
    "I've been talking to governors across the nation about that - how can we shape the Trump administration vaccine plan to fix it or stop it before it does damage." 

     My question is about the blocking, is it good? Not about his reasoning. 
    Can delaying/blocking the vaccine distribution be good? This post was edited by my2cents at November 9, 2020 12:31 PM MST
      November 9, 2020 12:21 PM MST

  • 19937
    If the vaccine is not as safe as they claim, yes, blocking it is a good idea.
      November 9, 2020 8:43 PM MST

  • 35036
    So, the FDA and the developers are going to fake the data? You really think big Pharma would knowingly open themselves up to those kind of lawsuits?  No one has claimed the safety protocols have not been enforced. In fact we seen the protocols in action with pauses and other procedures.
      November 10, 2020 5:25 AM MST

  • 19937
    No, the developers would not fake the data because Pfizer took no federal funds to produce the vaccine.  My concern is how fast they are trying to get it out to the public when the normal trial period is 2-3 YEARS.  They haven't had it out long enough to know whether or not there are any serious side effects over the long term.  If it were to turn out that the long term effects might be severe heart conditions or brain damage, I'll take my changes getting Covid, thank you.
      November 10, 2020 7:48 AM MST

  • 35036
    I am not taking it either.  I never take anything when it first comes out.  They can test their stuff on others....that applies regardless of who is POTUS.

    In this case, people are dying.  We are not talking about flu, or chicken pox/shingles.  If I were older and had health issues, I would seriously think about the vaccine.   I would encourage my family members to take it.  Things like this should never be mandatory. 

    I think it should be available for people IF they want it. And NO Governor should stand in the way if it is approved. 
      November 10, 2020 9:21 AM MST

  • 19937
    My guess is that the vaccine will be given to people who are very ill, first responders and medical personnel - those who come into contact most often with those infected.  I think the last vaccine I had was for smallpox or something like that when I was traveling to Europe and it was mandatory.  That was more than 50 years ago.  
      November 10, 2020 11:39 AM MST

  • 35036
    Yes. Elderly, healthcare workers, those with health issues. Will be first in line.  Here is where the plan says they will ship the vaccines:
      November 17, 2020 6:16 AM MST

  • 7280
    I think it would serve anyone to make an exception for truth when it first comes out---although I will admit that it does take some knowledge to be able to recognize truth when it is seen---especially if one is not used to being around it and receptive to it.
      November 16, 2020 6:31 PM MST

  • 11551
    I think there is some validity to Cuomo's concerns, but I don't necessarily agree with him. The initial roll-out of the vaccine would target healthcare workers and those in institutional settings.  Getting any part of the population vaccinated will help slow the spread - we should not wait until everyone has equal access to a vaccine. I'm not sure why Cuomo thinks that what he feels are the flaws in the plan cannot be fixed later in order to reach greater numbers of people who have limited healthcare access. I would have to have more information to know what his issue is with that.
      November 9, 2020 11:02 AM MST

  • 7280
    If part of the plan includes refusal to provide the vaccine to New York State, then I suspect Trump's whole plan would have to be blocked until the roll-out included New York State.

    Just another setup for Trump to try to shift the blame to anyone else (in this case Gov Cuomo) for delaying vaccine distribution.

    And since this question is worded as to influence the mental response to be "bad"---as one comment above has already pointed out---well the correct answer is obviously "good"

      November 16, 2020 6:26 PM MST

  • 35036
    He told Coumo...since Coumo wanted more scrutiny of the vaccine. They will not send it to NY until Coumo said it was ok and it would be distributed. 
    So the ball is in Coumo's court. But it would be stupid to send vaccines that Coumo is refusing to use. 
      November 17, 2020 6:10 AM MST