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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Voters are the ones who are LEGALLY AUTHORIZED to choose their president in America. Not the other way around. You know that right?

Voters are the ones who are LEGALLY AUTHORIZED to choose their president in America. Not the other way around. You know that right?

The person who lost the election FAIR AND SQUARE seems to be oblivious to it. THE VOTERS SPOKE and he is deaf to them. WE WIN. HE LOSES. But he will never accept that he is not king and can dictate everything all the time forever. Not the brightest bulb in the pack.

Posted - November 11, 2020


  • 10572
    The guy doesn't care about voters.  Look at what happened in 2016.  Hillary got the popular vote, but lost the electoral college making him president...and he complained.

    Now, he lost the popular vote (and more than likely the electoral college)... and he's complaining.  

    You're right, he wants to be a king.  he lusts after it.  When he first got the position he looked for ways to extend it forever.  he bypassed the congress on multiple times declaring that he held the "ultimate" power.  Even his idiot kids want him to be  king (heirs?).

    But, alas, he lost... and he knows it!  So what does he do?  he pouts.  he files lawsuit after lawsuit in a vain effort to keep his "lofty position" (of which the people foot the bill).   But even he knows that they too will fail and he will have to abdicate his "throne".  So he is engaging in a scorched earth policy.  (If I can't have it, no one can!) - Fire key people and put his loyalists in their place.  Demand that NO ONE even mention the name Biden else they'll be fired. 

    He's acting like the spoiled child he is; always having to have his way.
      November 11, 2020 11:07 AM MST

  • 113301
    On DAY ONE President Joe Biden fires all the loser peeps and replaces them with his picks. He also RESCINDS every single executive order that the person who lost the election reversed vis a vis what President  Barack Obama did. The person who lost the election WILL BE ERASED FROM OUR HISTORY IF NOT FROM OUR MEMORY. A little kid playing soldier thinking he has won. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      November 11, 2020 11:49 AM MST

  • 33892
    That is all we know that those who voted were LEGALLY AUTHORIZED to vote and that they voted on time. 
      November 11, 2020 3:49 PM MST

  • 2706
    You got that right! :)
      November 11, 2020 4:14 PM MST

  • 2706
    I just heard that in Pennsylvania upwards of three million highly questionable ballots are being brought into question. It's going to the supreme court and if they are found to be fraudulent/illegal, and it looks as if they are, they will be tossed out and Pennsylvania will most likely go to Trump along with the Presidency because he already won Alaska and North Carolina.

      In Georga, because the race there is so close, they will, by hand, be recounting, examining, and throwing out all fraudulant ballots. A couple of the reasons for doing this is because 27,000 of the ballots were filled out by people over the age of 90. Two thousand of those were over the age of 100 and 500 over the age of 105 years old. Are you kidding me? They also found 2500 people that voted who were not registered to vote.

      Now, if it does turn out that neither Biden or Trump gets the 270 electoral votes needed to win, it then goes to the state delegation for a vote. One delegate from each state will vote to see who becomes President. If it comes down to that, the Republicans own the legislatures of 31 states and the Democrats are only 19.
      November 11, 2020 9:12 PM MST