Haven't seen the study or story, so I can't say for certain ... but I'm guessing it has to do with the fact that dogs are pack animals, and tend to be more social.
Cats - not so much.
Example: A dog will let anyone pet it. Cats, not so much. So a dog is more likely to transmit the virus because someone petting it could transfer the virus to the dog's fur ... where it could be picked up by other people petting the dog. Or the dog licking multiple people (or surfaces), one of whom (which) has the virus.
That makes sense. Cats are far less needy. Far more independent than dogs. So that makes a great deal of sense. Thank you for your reply Walt. Your state shut down again yet? :)
That's pretty scary to me because it might mean that I will catch the coronaviris. I have always been able to teach my dogs special tricks and skills but I don't think I would be able to teach him socIal distancing because he likes being close to my heals. Cheers!
Do you keep them at home with you and your family Nanoose or do you allow them to roam? I had one dog when I was 10 but many cats. They are very independent and do not like being touched UNLESS they are in the mood..and then only temporarily. Thank you for your reply! :)
Could be R. Anything is possible in the world in which we live today. If you keep your pets at home and don't let them roam I don't see how they will bring back if they don't leave. Thank you for your reply! :)
The only way they could possibly do this is if they brought it in on their feet or if someone coughed, sneezed or spit on their fur. Of course, the same goes for their "people" too (shoes, clothing, hair). If they're so afraid then they should wipe their pets down before bringing them inside (NOT with chemicals!!). I swear! If they'd spend more time and effort making people to wear a mask and social distance than thy do trying to blame it on animals (or who know what), they'd get better results. The next thing they'll be saying is that having ghosts in your house will make you more likely to get COVID.
Uh-oh! I fear someone will co-opt that and start a group of anti-ghost terrorists. Mebbe none of the crackpots will see that Shuhak. Thank you for your reply. We'll see what your s'posin' generates. :)
This post was edited by RosieG at November 17, 2020 6:28 PM MST
Can't hurt to head them off at the pass! Those "them" who ride the coattails of others! Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Wednesday to thee and thine! :)