Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Republican dominated Senate is going on vacation ONE DAY EARLY without having passed a RELIEF BILL! How d'ya like it now folks?
Rot starts at the top the head rotter inspires people to be the best they can be. I'm going to ask a question about "Duck a L'Orange". We have one in the oval office. An orange duck. Folks voted for an orange duck to be the "head". Go figger! Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday to thee and thine! :)
Republicans are all part of a corrupt, evil, and mean cabal who care about nobody but themselves. Democrats, on the other hand, are all knights in shining armor and pure of heart, and they only care about the public good, not at all about themselves. Does that about size it up?
Gone are the days when Democrats and Republicans could and would put aside their differences to come together and do what was best for the United States and its citizens. Today, our extreme partisan politics is not only dehumanizing many of its citizens but the caustic and malevolent hatred that it brings is slowly destroying everything the United States was founded upon. If left unchecked, it could very well change this country into another Venezuala or worse.