Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» You will be thrilled to know that duck is having holiday parties in the white house for Christmas and Hannukah. Maskless I'm sure. Wanna go?
His Surgeon General was on TV last night urging people not to congregate in large numbers for the holidays. I wonder if Trump will be tweeting his firing today.
I did not know that L. Oh geez. For sure he will do so. No one contradicts the duck and lives to tell...figuratively. Thank you for your reply. I wonder if duck is planning specific things to do or is he gonna ad lib it as things come up? Sadly we're gonna find out! :) for you. :( for duck! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at November 24, 2020 1:14 PM MST
For my part, anyone stupid enough to attend a big to-do with Trump deserves whatever they get afterwards. I have no sympathy for them. I'd like to know why the Surgeon General hasn't been more forthcoming with that advice earlier on.
I know. They're nuts. Me too neither. Of course remember way back when Michael Coihen said he'd take a bullet for the duck? See how that turned out? Talk is cheap. Thank you for your reply m'dear. Whatcha fixing for Thanksgiving? We're having turkey and gravy and yams. For sure. Beyond that I haven't decided yet. Got any special dish you make at holiday time?
This post was edited by RosieG at November 24, 2020 1:44 PM MST
Well, since I'm staying home this year, I don't plan to do anything special at all. I'm not much of a cook to begin with, so I'm not going out of my way just for myself.
Oh. Well you know best honey. Since I love to cook I always did so for just me when my son was off to college. I enjoy it so why not do it? Thank you for your reply L ! :)
Was your mom a good cook or did she not particularly like the job? Don't know if I ever mentioned this to you before but many years ago I was at the home of my son's best friend. I forget why. Anyway his mom made a comment that hurt me and I still remember it.I don't remember how it came up but she said she thought cooking for one's family was equivalent to SLAVE LABOR. Now she knew I loved to cook so was that directed at me or just her view?. They were wealthy. They went out to eat all the time. I think he was a CPA. Anyway my son's friends would often congregate at our house and her son Edmund used to love it when I was cooking. I even got a call from him when he was away at college (U.C. Davis) asking me if making TAQUITOS was difficult! I told him just buy canned roast beef and wrap corn tortillas around some and fry it. Anyway different strokes for different folks. I'm sure you enjoy things I don't. For Armenians food is always a big part of our lives. My grandmother and mom were superb cooks. I can't touch them. My grandmother made BACLAVA from scratch. I am not kidding. She'd roll the dough out and then pull it gently to make it ever so thin. I loved watching. My mom never made it but she's make a lot of other things. So I grew in a home where good food was always starring. Parties with friends or relatives. Thank you for your reply sweetie! :)
My mom was a decent cook - nothing special most of the time because my father was a picky eater. She didn't particularly care for us "helping" around the kitchen, so none of us four girls developed much desire to cook. I did it for a long time when I had someone to share my meals with, but after that, I couldn't be bothered messing up the kitchen for just me.
We would come home from school and do our homework while she was making dinner. We had a small kitchen and I guess it was easier for her to just do it herself.
Guess who made meatloaf a couple of days ago? Yours truly. Instead of just winging it I Googled meatloaf recipes and chose one that had a grade 5 which I think is the highest rating. It was fairly simple. Some of them have a bazillion ingredients. For MEATLOAF! It turned out pretty darn good. I made 2 lbs of it and baked it in a bundt pan. Cooled it after we'd had a meal and then just sliced it up and now we have a goodly amount of meatloaf in the freezer. Just defrost and heat and it's ready to eat! I think it's been years since I made one. Anyway thought you'd get a kick out of it! Thank you for your reply L! :)
I'm with you Babe! Speaking of lengthy list of ingredients have you ever tasted MOLE sauce? I haven't but I read that it is made with an incredibly long list of ingredients. Some famous chef worked on perfecting his recipe for decades and won some prize. Nothing is worth THAT to me. I think his name is Rick something. Anyway Mole has chocolate in it I believe and it's served with meat. Sweet meat chocolaty? I dunno. Chocolate covered chicken nuggets? I dunno. Thank you for your reply L! :)
I've neve had mole and now that you tell me that it has chocolate in it and is served over meat, I doubt I ever will. I'm not big on sauces/gravies. I like sauce on pasta, but that's about it.
Jim is very big on sauces and gravies and I'm not so much. Like you. Never having tasted it I don't know if it's sweet. I think of chocolate as candy or ice cream or cake. But unsweetened like cocoa powder? Mebbe unsweetened combined with other things you'd never know it was chocolate. I doubt I'll ever taste it. I mean we didn't frequent restaurants before. Maybe once or twice a year and that was when we had comany. We might all go out to breakfast. Those days are over. Yesterday was weird. Gary and his wife Rosa came down so she could visit with her children. He is also going to look at our car today. He is a very good mechanic. But they showed up masked. We were masked. Gary needed to borrow Jim's blower. They are staying with Rosa's daughter who also lives in Hemet. We met out on the front "lawn" masked and social distanced. Made motions of hugs and kisses from a distance. He won't enter the house today. He will just go into the garage. He will be masked and so will Jim and Jim will social distance. It's a bizarre world we live in today. I just wonder how we will ever get back to whom we used to be? Won't we always wonder about the next virus which is probably already on deck ready to bat?Thank you for your reply L! :)