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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » COVID DILEMMA. Whaddya do when a relative from out of state refuses to abide by any guidelines in your state?

COVID DILEMMA. Whaddya do when a relative from out of state refuses to abide by any guidelines in your state?

A republican of course. Who else would be so that? So do you refuse to allow him in your house or do you say nothing and if we die because he insisted on visiting that's just the breaks?

This is NOT a what if question. Real world. Any day. What would YOU do?

I told him we are LOCKED DOWN and no one is allowed to enter the home who doesn't live there. The usual republican rant began and I just handed the phone over to Jim...his dad. Whatever they decide I shall abide. But seriously WHAT WOULD YOU DO? I think it shows disrespect and contempt and stubborn refusal to pay any attention. Yes I am furious but well what the he**! I'm 83 and if it's my time it's my time. So much for doing the right thing for many months. In one swell foop all of that can have been for naught! Ya know?

Posted - December 9, 2020


  • 2706
     I have to say, you have quite a dilemma. Family vs Covid restrictions. What would I do? I would let them in. Because they abide by the restrictions no matter how draconian they may be. If though for whatever reason, they wouldn't wear a mask, I would unless they tell me they haven't been exposed. Problem solved.

      Something you need to come to grips with is that not all Republicans/Conservatives go against the restrictions. Something else you need to come to grips with, not all Democrats abide by the Covid restrictions. Contrary to popular belief, a lot of people, Democrats, and Republicans are not happy about this shot down.
      December 9, 2020 6:47 AM MST

  • 10562
    I don't care if they're a democrat, a republican or an angel from heaven.  If the law says no one is to enter my house, then NO ONE will enter my house.  
    They can do anything they want at their house, but NOT here!  This Is MY home and I make the rules here. They can argue and protest until they're blue in the face, but it ain't gonna change things.  I try to be hospitable to people, but if they refuse to abide by the law, then that's their problem.  I will NOT accommodate them.  If it strains relations then so-be-it. 
      December 9, 2020 11:10 AM MST

  • 113301
    Me too if it were just me. Can you put yourself in my place? You love your mate and you actually do love his kid but well you love your life too so what would YOU do? I certainly can't forbid anything. SIGH. Well whatever happens will happen Doris Day comes in handy a lot. QUE SERA SERA...and so forth. Thank you for your reply Shuhak..
      December 9, 2020 1:03 PM MST