The millions of homeless jobless hungry folks out there can just go pound mud. Or suck an egg. Either way.
Your gubment in all its wisdom has decided not to give a dam* thing to y'all.
So get ill and die. It don't make no never mind to them. They are all fat stuffed to the gills with everything they would ever need or want. Who cares about you? Seriously. WHO CARES ABOUT YOU? Noboddy with any power to do something. If gubment shuts THEY STILL GET PAID. What do they have to lose?
Mitch DEMANDS protection for businesses against being sued by employees for getting COVID there. Who protects them? Are you joking? NO ONE that's hoo. NO ONE.
One day in purgatory perhaps all of them will reflect upon what they couldda done shouldda done wouldda done if they weren't such spinless whinya** cowards. Or not.