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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Weaponized pro bozo hate groups are planning something BIG for January 6. One of the haters alluded to it. How?

Weaponized pro bozo hate groups are planning something BIG for January 6. One of the haters alluded to it. How?

He implied that we already knew what would be going down on that day.

Riots? Armed attacks to prevent the legal final count of the election results?

Will there be deaths involved of those who are there to do their jobs?

Will there be protection there against the mobs the crackpots the bozoheads?

How many will show up?

Posted - December 22, 2020


  • 33856
    Not Haters. 
    Not secret. 

    Huge support rally has been planned for Trump on Jan 6 for a while now.  This is the day that Congress will decide if they will accept EC vote.  
    We have more than one House member who will oppose and I believe we will have a Senator as well....McConnell be d*mned.  Likely Cruz/Paul or a New Sen. 
      December 22, 2020 6:43 AM MST

  • 113301
    No m2c. You don't understand. Some unidentified guy whose profile only did I see alluded to something big going down and it would not be pleasant. I am talking about the hate groups who are weaponized and waiting for the bozo dog whistles to set them free to "defend" him. I am not joking. I hope I'm wrong. I hope that guy is LIAR and it never happens. But if it does I'm the one who told you so. Sigh. You don't really believe there will be any decorum or civility to that SUPPORT RALLY for bozohead do you? Why would you think that?  Did you see the retractions of FAUX news and newsmax for the lies they told about fake FRAUD? They are being sued. Also Lou dobbs ran a segment DEBUNKING HIS OWN LIES because his a** is being sued. There is no fraud. There was no fraud. So fraud is not what's going on. A blind devotion to a madman is what's going on. I know you disagree. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday.
      December 22, 2020 7:00 AM MST

  • 33856
     "Some unidentified guy whose profile only did I see alluded to something big going down and it would not be pleasant.."

    Was this a user here?

    I have not watched FOX news for awhile. I do not have Newsmax.  I am boycotting  FOX at the moment. I have been getting my info online.

    The last rally in DC was peaceful until the evening when most Trump supporters had left so some people (outnumbered) were attacked by ANTIFA.  Some of the ANFITA got attacked back.

    If a "NEWS" media was reporting lies...they should be sued.  Does not matter if left or right.  Bias is one thing...lies are another.  

    I disagree....there was fraud.  And until someone can explain why the things we have seen on video and audio are somehow not fraud...I will not believe it.  Until they allow the voting machines to be audited... I will not believe it. But I will not riot, I will destroy, I will not harm anyone....
      December 22, 2020 9:54 AM MST

  • 2706
    There's definite fraud going on and evidence abounds for it. Unfortunately, most of the mainstream media either lies about it denies it, ignores it, or all of the above. Who does one trust to report the news in an unbiased and truthful manner? Which is one of the many reasons why I stopped watching television several years ago.

    I won't watch or listen to Fox News anymore. ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, and others have lost their integrity are all unreliable trainwrecks that have proved for years that they cannot be trusted. As my2cents mentioned, I too get my news from online sources. Also, I do listen to a local AM radio station that so far reports the news in an unbiased truthful manner.
      December 22, 2020 11:14 AM MST