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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Brilliant bozohead move! DEMS always wanted more bucks to go to the people! $2000 each? Lindsay Graham is on board. Me too. YOU?

Brilliant bozohead move! DEMS always wanted more bucks to go to the people! $2000 each? Lindsay Graham is on board. Me too. YOU?

Posted - December 23, 2020


  • 6098
    No. Anything we accept from the government only makes us less able to stand on our own two feet and support ourselves. 
      December 23, 2020 8:14 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply og.
      December 23, 2020 8:16 AM MST

  • 19938
    So people and their families should just starve to death and be homeless when the reason they can't take care of themselves is due to a pandemic or through no fault of their own.  How Christian of you.  People who are able to work and don't are the ones I despise, not those who fall on hard times without fault.
      December 23, 2020 2:25 PM MST

  • 6098
    The reason they can't work is because the government has shut them down and prevented them from doing normal and natural business, based on some kind of nonsensical theory that somehow bankruptcy, unemployment, and poverty will  make them healthier and better able to resist their so-called plague. Any look at history will tear any such a theory to shreds. You need business to continue as usual and have as full employment as possible to accomplish anything positive. Fear-mongering and authoritarian shutdowns will only bring the country down. Which makes me wonder if after all that is what the Democrats want anyway. 
    And btw both myself and my husband have worked all through this so-called "pandemic" is spite of the fact that some people might regard us as "well off" enough to not have to work. As we have given financial aid to to both business and craftspeople negatively affected by totalitarian government policies. 
      December 23, 2020 9:08 PM MST

  • 19938
    Yes, let's everyone go out and about out usual lives, no masks, no social distancing, no nothing.  Whomever gets sick and dies, well, too bad.  The only thing that has brought this country down is the Trump Administration.  Instead of giving all that money to big corporations and the wealthy, why not help the little guy?  Are you expecting an "atta boy" for working through the pandemic?  I'm working through it as well - from home, but not everyone can do that.  Try to imagine that there are those who are not as fortunate as you are to be able to go to work.  
      December 24, 2020 11:52 AM MST

  • 6098
    I'm sorry - the only reason I mentioned that was because you accused me of not working.  Once again I will reiterate that what we have here is the government responsible for hardship by shutting everyone down and then rushing in giving out handouts like oh how compassionate are we.  Does that not make you suspicious at all?  A government can not be "Christian" - only an individual in relation to Christ can.  Those less fortunate than us will always be there which is why it is incumbent upon us to help them.  Which we must do acting for ourselves as individuals - we are very misled if we believe  any government can "be compassionate" for us - that is our personal responsibility - each one of us.  Trump was very aware of that. The basic functioning unit must be each one of us as an  individual. For once we give that up we must think in terms of collectivism which destroys individuality. Without our vision and work as individuals no government can even exist because there would be no $ to support it. 
      December 25, 2020 7:55 AM MST

  • 19938
    Where did I accuse you of not working?  Yes, we each have personal responsibilities for taking care of ourselves but there are times when we are dealt such a blow that it is not possible to do that - a pandemic is one of those times.  And, when something like that happens, and so many people are unable to care for themselves, yes, I expect the government to step in and help out.  How is it that you seem to thin that it's OK to infuse big corporations and the already wealthy with financial assistance, but if the government helps out the little guy, it's wrong?  Think about the fact that, if it wasn't for every little guy who works and pays taxes, there wouldn't be any money for the government to give away to those who need it the least.  Perhaps you should thank your lucky stars that you are not one of those people who is not able to care for themselves and needs government help.  Not everyone who is just barely getting by on their own has enough to share with others.  
      December 25, 2020 9:24 AM MST

  • 10560
    No.  Don't get me wrong, I could really use the money.  However, simply throwing money at something doesn't make it go away (although trump thinks it does).  Besides, who's going to pay all this money back?  WE are... through higher taxes.  When the republicans get into power its spend, spernd, spend.  Then when the democrats get in power they have to tax, tax, tax to try and clean up the mess.
      December 23, 2020 11:27 AM MST

  • 10959
    Many months ago when the first coronavirus relieve cheaks came out SNL did a skit called - I Got 2000 Dollars Looks Like A Lot Of Money On Camera. Basically the song was about the  fact that $2000 wasn't going to last long for the average American familly but photo op wise it was priceless for Trump. The song was also about how Trump had no long term plan to deal with the viris. If you recall  last timeTrump insisted his name go on the relief cheaks and he got his way so I am thinking one of the reasons Trump is holding up the new relief package is because they didn't agree to put his name on the cheaks this time. Cheers and happy Christmas Eve!
      December 24, 2020 12:27 PM MST