Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Someone who TORTURES the victim before he/she commits the murder is more cruel than someone who just commits a murder. EXCEPT?
I would agree with the statement. I would also say that someone who tortures another, and then lets them live - MAY be crueler still. The victim may be physically scarred for life, and are likely mentally scarred for life.
Even given the choice of how I die, just in general ... I would prefer to go instantly, rather than living in pain for any length of time before dying.
I'd like to die as my dad did. He took a nap and never woke up. When I saw him lying on the sofa he had a slight smile on his face. Whatever he had been dreaming seemed to be pleasant. I always though that was his reward for being a good man. He was only 54. Died of a heart attack. had smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day for many years and then when his doctor told it was hurting his heart he quit cold turkey. Back in those days everything was fried. Vegetables weren't that big a part of meals. But I digress. Thank you for your reply Walt and Happy Christmas Eve day Thursday 2020! :)