Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Belonging to/identifying with a group cause mob throng gang cabal politics religion shapes many to be what they are. DO YOU BELONG?
You are definitely a belonger m2c. A joiner? Not so much but a belonger? Yep. You don't list "human" but I expect that is implied. Like those things that ask you to check "I am not a robot". I always do check it off but what would happen if I didn't? Thank you for your reply!
Christian Socialist Australian Employee (and team member, a subgroup of that) Husband/Father/Grandfather (whose grandchildren call him "Grumpy", lol) Member of two umpiring associations (SACUSA for cricket, SAAFLUA for football) Club member Account holder (2 banks, 3 super funds)
Sorry for borrowing m2c's format, but it fits me too.
No worries R. Whatever works for you works for me. I'll mention to you what I mentioned to m2c. You didn't mention HUMAN. That would be my starting point but your belonging seems fine and dandy. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday/Wednesday to you and yours! :)