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GA counties do not have required chain of custody records for 465k ballots. Will this effect results?

This is the state that send observers, media and most counters home then pulled out containers of ballots from under a covered table.

Posted - December 26, 2020


  • 17058
    No, because the College has ALREADY VOTED. There is absolutely NO constitutional way in which His Royal Orangeness can steal the election. So unless Cadet Bonespurs has the intestinal fortitude to attempt a coup d'etat (he hasn't, he's got the chutzpah but not the guts), IT'S OVER.
    Don't you get it?
      December 26, 2020 7:29 AM MST

  • 35039
    State legislators may still reverse course if evidence is shown.  
    Yes electors voted.  In challenged states BOTH sets of electors voted. BOTH the Biden electors AND the Trump electors voted. Currently the Biden electors votes will be counted on Jan 6.  If things change....the Trump electors votes will replace the Biden ones.

    This happened in Nixon v Kennedy in HI. Original electors were for Nixon but ultimately went to Kennedy.
    This is completely legal and Constitutional.  This post was edited by my2cents at December 26, 2020 8:08 AM MST
      December 26, 2020 8:06 AM MST