Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "World nations remain stunned after riots on Capitol Hill". They use words like saddened to describe what they witnssed. Are YOU saddened?

"World nations remain stunned after riots on Capitol Hill". They use words like saddened to describe what they witnssed. Are YOU saddened?

Another nail in the coffin of the United States of America put there by the sh**head duckhead.

More humiliation shame shock disbelief.

How could this happen in America? This is what happens in third rate third world backwards uncivilized savage  banana republicans with dictators and madmen in charge. Oh right. We do have a madman dictator despot desperate to cling to power.

He should be an asterisk in history. The black eye the wart the mistake.

Posted - January 7, 2021


  • 16630
    Not really. Nor much surprised. The bloviating buffoon is panicking.

    One surprise was Henry Winkler's comparison of His Royal Orangeness with Mussolini, and stating that his term should  end the same way.

    The Fonz suggesting that Trump be hanged in a gas station was NOT one of the things I had slated for the first week of 2021.
      January 7, 2021 3:07 AM MST

  • 113301
    My preference? That we never hear from again. He be incarcerated in solitary confinement with absolutely no access to any media. He disappears inside the bowels of a maximum security prison and dies there. Wouldn't that be better, take longer, present more agony and pain for the sh**head duckhead? Whatever. Thank you for your reply. Oh well in long ago days they would behead and carry the head around on a pole for all to see. I could go with that. BAD ROSIE would LOVE that! Sigh. :( Gonna run it up  the flagpole.
      January 7, 2021 3:41 AM MST

  • 19938
    But you could live with it if it happened, eh?
      January 7, 2021 6:56 AM MST

  • 33853

    It ticked me off.
      January 7, 2021 6:57 AM MST

  • 19938
    I'm saddened, but I'm more angry.  Angry that those who could have done something to change the course of this administration stood by and did nothing thereby enabling Trump to get away with it all.  I hope the Republican party dies a slow and painful death.
      January 7, 2021 6:57 AM MST

  • 3719
    America's friends, irrespective of Party, were saddened.

    Her enemies gloated over the attack, as I thought they would.

    Russia said something about it showing the weakness of Western democracy.

    A Chinese spokeswoman likened it to the demonstration that she said attacked the Hong Kong government  building (which it did - a self-defeating act) and the Police; and added that at least no-one there died.

    Iran's President stated it showed how fragile Western democracy is.

    I don't know the Saudis' reaction but apparently it was similar; and they are a rather uneasy ally of the West.

    Notably, none of those four countries have ever known much democracy - in China's case, for some 3000 years under emperors then Communism. So although their comments were intended for the benefit of their own citizens, perhaps they could be forgiven for not noticing that actually, Western democracy is a lot more robust than they think, and that the USA's electoral and judicial systems showed they could stand up to attempts to bully them.

    I recall that when the Watergate scandal broke, many people called the whole system, "corrupt". I particularly remember though one wise senior US judge pointing out that, no, it were individuals who were doing wrong. When the system caught them it dealt with them accordingly, showing even a president is not above the constitution and law.  A weak, fragile or corrupt system would do what the President wants.

    Just to add to the flames, are the actor Kevin Hart's remarks, quoted in a Press Association report carried in the world news page of my local paper. His view on the invasion is not given, but he alleged that if most of the Capitol intruders had been black and not white, "they would have all been shot dead."

    I'd never previously heard of Hart, but though I can understand why he said that, he then destroyed his own case by adding,

    "Why can't we see this situation handled the same way that we have seen our people handled repeatably... when the armed officers are supposed to use force they don't?" 

    Two wrongs making a right? I dread to think, and I doubt Mr. Hart has thought, what would have happened if they had killed all the intruders - one was bad enough. Those regimes above would have been impressed, though.... 


      January 8, 2021 5:15 PM MST