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Is the California governor (and/or the state government) perpetuating a fraud and a coverup?

A gubernatorial recall effort is being sought by The People of the State of California to oust Gavin Newsom from office. Among the chief complaints are his seemingly arbitrary and allegedly illegal deep-reaching orders for the shutdown of thousands of businesses that have no culpability in spreading the Corona Virus. The snowball effect of the shutdowns is that hundreds of thousands of workers being forced to stay home, small businesses taking the brunt of the damage, and the economy tanking. Some anti-Newsom groups cite his hidden agenda to create a government-dependent welfare status among a large swath of the state‘s population in keeping with a further plan towards more socialistic existence. For many of the people who are now being forced to accept them or starve, unemployment benefits in no way meet nor expand beyond normal salaries.

Meanwhile, California‘s Employment Development Department (EDD) is responsible for the administration and issuance of unemployment checks statewide, but is using an antiquated and failing computer system dating back at least 30 years, and there have been rampant problems with it based on unprecedented overload of new applicants. Fraudulent claims numbering over $2 billion have already been paid out to prison inmates, for example, while some of the legitimate recipients have received nothing  

Beginning in March/April of 2020, a statewide unemployment fund especially for COVID19 benefit payments was opened, and would expire by January 1, 2021. The online filing process required applicants to give a reason as to why they could not work. Every 14 days, applicants had to decertify to continue to receive benefits, giving justification for the request by outlining what had happened during the previous two weeks workwise.

There are numerous questions that have to be answered on the website, this post focuses on just one of them, a drop-down box, “What is the reason you could not work?” [paraphrased]. The drop-down, created months or years before COVID19, has options such as illness, fired, laid off, workman’s compensation, quit, natural disaster, man-made disaster, etc., or not listed. The next box was free-form, and applicants who selected “not listed” could explain in their own words why they needed unemployment benefits. Write in “COVID19” or words to that effect. Throughout 2020, this online application was never updated to reflect anything about COVID19.

Fast-forward to January 2021. As of January 9, 2021, the online application had finally been updated to include choices specific to COVID19 as the reasons a person couldn’t work. In addition to choices shown previously, the above-mentioned mandatory drop-down now has these new selections:

“Laid off due to lack of work related to COVID”
”Fired related to COVID”
“Still working part time or on call related to COVID”
”Still working full time or on call related to COVID”

Icontend that the above choices are incomplete and therefore force many applicants‘ answers to be inaccurate. There was no choice for

Laid off due to Government-ordered shutdown of business/livelihood,

which is the true reason. There’s plenty of work to be done at people’s jobs, not a lack of work.

By not doing so, isn’t it akin to a coverup? To allow a truthful answer also admits the governor’s hand in this, and failure to allow it involves the state government also.

As such, shouldn’t Governor Gavin Newsom, EDD and the state government acknowledge that reality and make his own shutdown orders one of the choices?


Posted - January 10, 2021


  • 10797
    If people had listened and did what they were supposed to do, we wouldn't be in this dire situation.  But some refused and it made it hard on everyone.  They have bi***ed and moaned from the start, spreading lies and sedition ... much like trump.  Another example of the few screwing it up for the majority because they think the whole world revolves around them!
      January 10, 2021 9:23 PM MST

  • 53686


      What are you referring to that the people should have done? Not voted Newsom into office?

      January 10, 2021 9:26 PM MST

  • 10797
    Paragraph 1  - they rebelled when told to stay home (and still are)

    Paragraph 2 - EDD has been screwed up for years - long before Newsome came to office (at least as far back as Deukmejian, possibly as far back as Reagan; although at that time I really didn't give politics much thought). Complaints have been filed on it, TV news stories done on it, politicians saying they'll ' look onto it"... but nothing ever changed.   I will admit, however, that online is much easier than having to go down there and stand in line to do the same thing in person.

    Paragraph 3  - they've ALWAYS "demanded" to know why you couldn't work and if you tried to get reemployed.

    Paragraph 4 - Yes, one could simply check the "I looked for work" box on the form/website.  But it is much better than the old way of having to have  potential employers sign your card (It'd be hard to do that nowadays since most job applications - and some interviews - are done online).   

    If you want to get into it....

    You stated that there's " plenty of work to be done at people's jobs".  How to you figure?  No customers = no work (restaurants and such).  That's how that sector functions.  If there are no customers - for whatever reason (eg. heavy snow or lack of snow) - employers send their employees home (without pay).   Any "work" is done by the boss/employer.  With people staying home (yes, some actually obey those orders), there IS NO WORK!  Employers don't like paying their employees to stand around or play on their phones.  And there's only so much "busy work" one can do.

    Furthermore, “Laid off due to Government-ordered shutdown of business/livelihood” is the same as “Laid off due to lack of work related to COVID”.  It's just not in those exact words.  Common sense!  They can't have a box to check for every exact possible scenario.  No one can.

    Of course, common sense isn't as common as it used to be.  People want everything spelled out exactly for them because it's too much work to think for themselves (and they aren't getting paid for that work).

    Before you go off on me, know this - I am in no way defending Newsome.  I'm not fond of him (never was).  I'm sure he's doing some things that he shouldn't (what governor or poiotican does?)  Yes he screws up (who doesn't?).  I believe he's trying to keep people safe, but it isn't easy and it's bound to irk some (can't please everyone).    Also, most of California's government businesses are screwed up (eg. DMV, the franchise tax board, EBT).  They've been mismanaged from the get-go... money not used as intended or siphoned off into slush funds, lack of resources, excessive bureaucracy, etc..  Since most people don't use these services every day, most of this goes largely unnoticed, except by those who use them.  They complain, but little is done to rectify the situation other than empty promises.  Its when an extra exorbitant amount of people have to use these services  that these "flaws" really stick out like a sore thumb (as it was with the DMV in 2018/19).  Band-aids will be thrown on them, but once this current crisis is over, they'll just go back to business as usual.
      January 11, 2021 11:39 AM MST

  • 53686


    Furthermore, “Laid off due to Government-ordered shutdown of business/livelihood” is the same as “Laid off due to lack of work related to COVID”.  It's just not in those exact words.  Common sense!  They can't have a box to check for every exact possible scenario.  No one can.

      I’ll cover this one because it’s the most important of them.

    Omitting a choice that specifically identifies the government-ordered shutdown lets Newsome off the hook, simple as that. Newsome doesn’t want the paper trail of hundreds of thousands of online applicants acknowledging that the reason they’re out of work is his order, so there’s no mention of the shutdown order in the drop-down box. Out of sight, out of mind. Not every job or industry is without customers, especially not small businesses that can’t easily fold up into online-only models. As such, COVID might be one pillar of a three-legged stool that stops jobs, Newsome is another.

    He gets to hide behind COVID19 as the ONLY reason he ordered the latest round of shutdowns to be carried out, even in businesses that the owners, managers, etc. have already complied with the previously-ordered precautions AND where no evidence of spread of the virus could be found. Of course, Newsome’s own privately owned businesses remain open and his personal budgetary bottom line doesn’t suffer, unlike the peasants. So as long as an employee is in Newsome’s back pocket at one of his business ventures, an unemployment application isn’t necessary. I have not stated that every possible or potential situation needs to be anticipated on the form, I cited one situation in particular that is lacking.

      You’ve stayed that you live in California as do I. Have you read or read Newsome’s sound bites and press conferences wherein he gives his response to the recall? His own words are the best measure of his plans about it.

    In the interim, he plans to pay off the very people who are going to or who might have already signed recall petitions. It’s a blatant bribe.


      January 13, 2021 4:55 AM MST

  • 10797
    Again, let me stress that I will not defend this man.  He's as crooked as a dog's hind leg and has more faces than a double headed coin.  

    My point there was simply that there isn't room on any website to have a box for every exact option (spelled out).  In fact, the more options a site has, the more confused its users become.  Heck, most of them get confused with just 2 options.  Whether it was done intentionally or not, I don't know.
      January 13, 2021 10:48 AM MST

  • 53686


      I know you’re not defending Newsome, I did not imply otherwise. 


      January 13, 2021 10:52 AM MST

  • 10797
    I know.  It's just that my tirade seemed to lean that way.
      January 13, 2021 10:56 AM MST

  • 53686
    (If people had listened and did done what they)
      January 10, 2021 9:31 PM MST

  • 10797
    Your right; I should have said  "done did" (what was I thinking?)
      January 11, 2021 10:19 AM MST