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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You buy premade frozen pie crust. You buy canned pie mix. You put filling in crust, bake till done. Did YOU make a pie? Did you build it?

You buy premade frozen pie crust. You buy canned pie mix. You put filling in crust, bake till done. Did YOU make a pie? Did you build it?

Did you  put it together like a 10-piece crossword puzzle?

Top it off with Cool Whip or canister "whipping cream".

What is it you actually MADE?

Posted - January 21, 2021


  • 10797
    These days, many people will say they made that pie.  While technically they did "make" it, it's more accurate to say that they assembled it.

    Time.  Most people claim they don't have enough time.  After working a "full time" job - sometimes even putting in "overtime" - the last thing they want to do is "take time out" to cook.  Cooking can be rather "time consuming" - there's prep time, cook time, and cleanup time ... they simply don't have the time.  So, in order to "save" time, they look for ways to conserve time, so they can have more "quality time", "play time", "alone time", "me time", or even "time to spare". 
    Instant.  Now there's a time saving word.  Instant oatmeal, instant mashed potatoes, instant rice, instant pudding.... I can feel the clock going backward already.   Then there are phrases like - cooks in minutes, just add water,  just heat and eat, ready in no time....or the biggest timesaver word - fast food.  The result of all this "saved time"? - fat people.  "Instant" food is loaded with extra salt, calories, sugar, and fat; plus it has fewer nutrients.   Fat unhealthy people have shorter life spans.  We save time in one place, only to lose it another.
      January 21, 2021 11:23 AM MST

  • 113301
    OMG Shuhak I giggled at your bottom line which didn't come last but well you know what I mean. "The result of all this saved time...FAT PEOPLE". You know I am appalled and amazed at how MORBIDLY OBESE the people I see are when we go out for marketing or errands. I don't mean ten or twenty pounds. I mean 100 or 200 pounds. THEY WADDLE! How does anyone allow himself or herself to get so huge? I know. We should not body shame anyone. So we have morbidly obese people who raise morbidly obese kids. We don't want to hurt their feelings after all. So we let them die early. Whatever. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Thursday to ya! Didja watch yesterday and see the magnificent entertainment after the inauguration? It was SPECTACULAR! :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 21, 2021 11:42 AM MST
      January 21, 2021 11:33 AM MST

  • 10797
    My reply didn't come out exactly as I wanted.  I ran out of 'time phrases' that fit without repeats.  So after well over an hour of writing and editing (I cut a lot of it out), it kind of doesn't make much sense.

    No.  I didn't watch any of it.  
      January 21, 2021 11:55 AM MST

  • 113301
    Oh my. You agonize over words and spend so much time trying to make it perfect. Not for me but for you? You know you don't have to do that. Why not just let it rip? Just send it. I'm not one of those "spelling nazis". You KNOW that. I play with my language all the time. JUST LET IT RIP! Try it just for once Shuhak. Since I'm not a perfectionist I don't really relate to you with regard to that. I never worry when I am not perfect. Every time I reply to a response I have to correct some error in the question. EVERY TIME. When I post it I read it and looks PERFECT to me. Why I don't know. Then when I see it again I see the glaring error(s) immediately and I correct them. But you know what? I did the best I could and so I don't beat myself up about it. If others are annoyed that is not my problem. What could it hurt? Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 21, 2021 1:40 PM MST
      January 21, 2021 12:12 PM MST

  • 10797
    That's kind of how I do write... I let 'er rip.  I put down as many thoughts as I'm able (they come faster that I can type) , then go back and make them make sense.

    As for spelling... this is how my "raw" typing looks - 

    i rather doubt yo ucoulsd read myworithnbg if i didng fi teh spelling.  OINFas ct many rtiem I cant eben tead wht I wrote.  SOMteirm eevn google cant decopher them.  it smnot tajha i cant spell, rayther tht abythe rttiem my fingers touegh terh ekerys mu imdd is aleo9rwsdy 2 paratgeadhs aheds.  THIaisn t ebven inclokurid npunciuratiuon.  

    Pretty bad, huh.  And that's typing "slow" with 2 fingers (hunt and peck at warp speed).
    Combine this with a perfectionist mind, plus finding the "right" word to use ( and are almost always open), plus new thoughts  ... it takes time.
      January 21, 2021 2:17 PM MST

  • 113301
    So YOU like me are a stream of consciousness writer! Like James Joyce or Proust. Very messy lots of times but very rich and deep and dense with meaning. Also most respectfully YOU ARE SO DARN CUTE! Which reminds me of something totally unrelated. I cannot read William Faulkner. He uses dialect all the time and it drives me crazy. So I just don't bother. Well my friend I of all people ought not give you any guidance on how to. I like what you write. I don't like your having to work and rework and rework but on the other hand there are many authors who do the exact same thing. I'm not one of them. I have read about some who are also perfectionists. I do agree that words matter a lot. And some authors are very conscious of exactly how they want what they write to be received. Again. I'm not one of them. So if you can stand it and it doesn't bother you to spend a lot of time honing then by all means continue. So how do you like the President Biden Press Secretary? Daily Press Briefings have been resuscitated. Yesterday Dr. Fauci also was there to talk and answer questions. UNCENSORED! He alluded to that which I really liked. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Friday! Geez we made it to the end of another week and we are all still here! May it continue on! :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 22, 2021 9:51 AM MST
      January 22, 2021 1:29 AM MST

  • 10797
    Fauci was smiling.  Something he dared not do before.  I bet he feels so relieved to be free of having to cringe whenever he speaks.
      January 22, 2021 9:59 AM MST

  • 113301
    His eyes were twinkling too! He's back! Excellent choice President Biden made. A no-brainer! Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      January 23, 2021 3:43 AM MST

  • 3719
    Well... It's nearer making it than buying the complete pie and just putting that in the oven for 30 minutes... or the microwave for 5.

    My sister told me her daughter Michelle once came from school and said, "We're making a Yule Log Cake next week!" (in the domestic science lesson). So my sister started ferreting though the cupboards, dragging out bags of flour, caster-sugar and so on.

    "No Mum", said Michelle, "We just need an ordinary Swiss Roll, cooking-chocolate and icing-sugar."

    Mum was a bit put out that that: "Huh, when I was at school we had to make the cake as well as decorate it!"

    Many people claim, as Shuhak points out,  not having time to cook. I had that conversation with a former work colleague who said he and his wife baffled friends by cooking always from fresh. He said they had to explain carefully to these time-starved friends that they'd found preparing a meal from fresh does not take significantly longer than from "instant" or ready-meals; because while the food is actually cooking they are busy with the other work anyway like laying the table or small cleaning tasks - or have a few minutes to spare to relax!

    This idea that "no-one" has time these days is, I think, one spread by the "Great Family We-All" who write the so-called "life-style" columns; and by those who try to cram too much into their time.       
      January 22, 2021 4:08 PM MST

  • 17077
    Never nuke a pie. Even wrapped in paper towels, microwaving ruins shortcrust pastry. It goes soggy.
      January 22, 2021 8:50 PM MST

  • 113301
      January 23, 2021 3:58 AM MST

  • 113301
    Here's the thing m'dear. Those of us who LOVE to cook look for any excuse to bake or make from scratch. We take great joy in every aspect of it. Buying the food. Washing, trimming, drying and storing vegetables to keep them fresh. Planning the meals in our heads based upon what we have on hand. Pre-thinking. Then we go into the kitchen and can make WHATEVER WE ARE HUNGRY FOR THAT DAY! That is my way. That is what I do. I cannot joyfully make anything I don't like to eat. Jim is VERY EASY TO PLEASE. Our tastes are quite similar though not identical. That helps a lot. Ever taste a cake made from a box? Or one bought from a bakery? ICKY SWEET to masque the fact that there is no flavor except due to imitation add-ons. "Whipped cream" icings/frostings? Not likely. Whipped cream must be kept refrigerated and is very delicate. These cakes are built to last for weeks "refrigerated" or even at room temperature. But sadly many folks don't have discerning tastebuds. All foods taste alike to them. Production-line basic cheaply made and very filling. Why drink expensive champagne when swill will do just as well?. You go with what tastes good to you. People can MAKE TIME to accomplish anything that matters to them. I should think eating HEALTHY NUTRITIOUS FOOD would top the list but it doesn't. So the result is massive obesity in our country. Epidemically and children too are obese. They don't grasp the connection between eating cheap junk food which highly caloric and empty of nutrition and real food. I pity the children. Nuff said! Thank you for your reply Durdle! :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 23, 2021 3:55 AM MST
      January 23, 2021 3:51 AM MST