Discussion»Questions»answerMug Members» Of the number of new questions that get posted everyday, what percentage relate to the US Presidential candidates and elections?
I know that over a time period of around 4 or 5 hours today the same member has posted 38 questions which are almost entirely not real questions and instead statements about trump with a question mark added at the end.
You'll learn it's a common theme here. There's usually only a couple of people who spam that stuff here, but unfortunately, I think it's what drives a lot of people away. If only we could give them their own forum, or perhaps a brick wall to talk to instead...
This post was edited by Paynuts at October 19, 2016 8:10 PM MDT
Children haven't been put in harms way, so it's not surprising that they're ignorant on the matter.. Most of 'em KNOW they don't KNOW anything.. And, some open their mouths to prove it..
Way too many. One of the reasons we had way more fun and relaxed time inside the adultMug, but don't say it too loud. We do however still miss previous members there who were active before the migration to aM v. 2.0. Sighs.