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Discussion » Questions » Sports » Poll: in American gridiron football, other than a scoring play, which of the following is the Holy Grail* type of play for the offense?

Poll: in American gridiron football, other than a scoring play, which of the following is the Holy Grail* type of play for the offense?


1. A first-down conversion 

2. A third-down conversion

3. A fourth-down conversion

4. Other _______________________

*Holy Grail means that it’s a type of play that during a game is repeated many times, moves the ball forward, improves the overall stats for the team, etc.
Of course, any positive-yards play can fall into that criteria, but this poll question asks you to identify which one type of play is the most sought after and therefore the most stressed by the coaching staff during training. 

Posted - January 24, 2021


  • 17660
    I particularly love to make a first down on a third and long.  Converting fourth down to first may be the general favorite.  In my neck of the woods there have been, through the years, trick fourth down plays which were much fun to witness.  I don't see it as much anymore so perhaps there was a rule change.  During the national championship game this year we (Alabama) had two hurdles over OS players.  Those are great fun too.  I thought they had been outlawed but have been told that that was in the NFL. 
      January 25, 2021 3:42 PM MST

  • 53686


      Thank you.


      January 25, 2021 3:49 PM MST