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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Smokers know that smoking causes lung cancer. Do they also know smoking causes premature wrinkling and other changes to your face?

Smokers know that smoking causes lung cancer. Do they also know smoking causes premature wrinkling and other changes to your face?

So they get plastic surgery to remove the wrinkles. They get an operation and have chemo to get rid of the lung cancer.

Still they smoke even after sometimes.

Cigarettes are awesome aren't they? They can kill you and age you. Who can resist that combination?

And as bonus second hand smoke can kill those who inhale it or at the very least they will get COPD or whatever it's called that condemns them to live out the rest of their shortenend lives on oxygen machines then die anyway of Emphyzema. A bonus in every pack. And still they smoke.

Posted - January 28, 2021


  • 2706
     I used to smoke four packs of cigarettes a day. I worked with a guy that smoked six packs a day. I also worked with a guy that had his voice box removed because he smoked. He still smoked through the tube in his throat. He died of cancer as did the man who smoked six packs a day.

    I saw first-hand what this does to a person. Most people that smoke knows what it can and will do to them. But, if they still choose to smoke, who am I to tell them not to? It's their choice, not mine. You simply can't force them not to smoke.
      January 28, 2021 9:09 AM MST