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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I'm not happy sharing this. I'm scared. Any of you have similar front-page HEADLINES today in your city?

I'm not happy sharing this. I'm scared. Any of you have similar front-page HEADLINES today in your city?


Tim Zook got his second shot of the Pfizer vaccine January 5 and a couple of hours later he had an upset stomach and trouble breathing. Subsequently some very bad things began happening to him and on January9 he passed away. The Orange County coroner ruled the cause of death "inconclusive".

There are no vaccines free of side effects. Gambling goes with that territory.
First shot went well. No indication of any problem.

Toward the end Tim went in and out of coma, some induced, and kidney failure and blue coded several times. I expect it will be investigated further.

I do not know if FAST TRACKING WARP SPEED to suit FOOTOO was the cause. Maybe someone will figure it out.

I hope your cities aren't reporting similar results. Meanwhile GOD BLESS STAY SAFE. TAKE CARE.

Posted - January 28, 2021


  • 2706
    Regardless of how fast or slow a vaccine is developed, there is always the risk that the cure/treatment will be worse than the disease for some people. This is one of the reasons why I've never gotten a flu shot and most likely never will. Here in Michigan, I'm not aware of anyone dying from the vaccine and I hope it stays that way.

      January 28, 2021 8:15 AM MST

  • 19938
    True that there are always side-effects that can be worse than the vax as with any other medicine.  The determination for widespread use is that it is more beneficial than not.  I have never had a flu shot either, not because of the side effects, but because every year they prepare them by taking a guess at what strain will be coming around and, more often than not, it isn't nearly as effective as they hope because the strain may be different.  If a flu vaccine turns out to be only 20-405 effective, I'm not interested.  The last time I had the fly was 51 years ago.

    At least with Covid-19, they were more certain of the strain until it mutated.  It is conceivable that had they done a better job of testing, tracing and vaccinating the public earlier, the more serious strain would be easier to control.  So far, though, it seems that the vaccines that are approved are working on the new strain although the one from South Africa (I think) is even more easily transmitted.
      January 28, 2021 8:58 AM MST