What do you mean by quantify? If you mean giving it a numerical value, then by definition, no. If we could give it other definitions then perhaps we could. To a primitive society that has few needs, having more than they need could be infinite. To our society the only thing infinite in a non- numerical sense would be human stupidity. I think some guy named Einstein said something like that.
I know. I can't grasp it excon. I can't get my brain around it. I keep trying but that's just because I'm a stubborn old dame and I do not give up. I cain't hep myself! Thank you for your reply! If you ever figger it out let me know. S'il vous plait. Merci mon ami! :)
Probably not with our finite brain capacity . Maybe if we were able to continue to evolve infinitely we could develop a mind eventually that could grasp that sort of thing.
This post was edited by Kittigate at October 22, 2016 4:15 PM MDT