Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Cowardice used to be mostly on the battlefield long ago. Now it is mostly in POLITICS with the yellowbelly GOP Senators. WHAT HAPPENED?
Cowardice is bipartisan. You can see cowardice oozing out of both Democrats and Republicans on a daily basis. Granted, there are some hard-nosed Democrat and Republican patriots that actually care about what happens to America and its people.
Unfortunately, we also have the sniveling Democrat and Republican cowards hiding in the back, throwing spitballs at those patriots, making it difficult to get anything good accomplished. When the cowards are asked to step up and actually do something constructive and positive to keep this country free and prosperous, they won't. They instead cower in the shadows with their blanket and pacifier singing kumbaya and trying to convince everyone how hard they work for us the people.