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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I'm pretty sure FOOTOO adoring worshippers never watch anything newsworthy on TV. They just watch FAUX NEWS and that's it! Makes sense?

I'm pretty sure FOOTOO adoring worshippers never watch anything newsworthy on TV. They just watch FAUX NEWS and that's it! Makes sense?

Howver the FAUX NEWS talking heds synopsize it for them to guide them into how to think what to think what to believe what to ignore that's all they gotta do. Don' read newspapers and NEVER WATCH ANY OTHER news channel but the FAUX and Friends. They are FORBIDDEN from doing so.

Now you know what they learn and why they think what they think when they think.

Posted - February 13, 2021


  • 2706
      I know many Trump supporters but none of them adore or worship him. You're pretty sure none of the Trump supporters ever watch anything newsworthy on TV? Why would you think that? How would you know that? Have you asked each individual Trump supporter what they watch on television?

      Have you ever taken the time to research the news programs you watch? Because unless you do, you will never really know for sure if they are telling you the truth or not. I was taught many years ago to never blindly trust anyone or anything. Always do the research to make sure what someone says is the truth or a lie. I was also taught that personal bias should never be a determining factor when researching. Just my opinion of course.
      February 13, 2021 3:20 PM MST