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Discussion » Questions » Health and Wellness » For more than 6 months, I’ve been skeptical about many of the announced numbers concerning COVID19 infections and deaths, not only locally,

For more than 6 months, I’ve been skeptical about many of the announced numbers concerning COVID19 infections and deaths, not only locally,

but statewide, nationwide, and worldwide. In my county alone, there were instances of flip-flopping numbers within hours of initial reports when it was discovered that they were incorrect. Figures from January and February of 2020 were downplayed or skewed. Shutdowns of businesses, churches, schools, gyms, parks, etc. we’re based on purported percentages that were compiled by dubious or difficult-to-verify sources. Sweeping measures for contact-tracing relied on sensitive personal information that was collected by technological means without checks and balances that ensured the data wouldn’t be leaked or otherwise misused. 

  Now, in February 2021, allegations have surfaced that at least one governor’s administration intentionally withheld accurate COVID19 numbers in order to feign its success in addressing the pandemic.

  Were you, as I, also wary in general of whether or not the numbers were being reported truthfully, either in your local area, nationally, or internationally?


Posted - February 14, 2021


  • 8223
    I know you are not talking about my state.  No one is pretending because we have very little vaccine.  What we do get is used up quickly.  
      February 14, 2021 2:51 PM MST

  • 53568


      Er, um, I’m referring to more than just vaccine availability.

      February 14, 2021 2:55 PM MST

  • 17629
    I have had no issue with what my state has reportedly done nor my access to numbers or care.  My  mom has had both shots of vaccine.  I think in two weeks we will be able to get in to visit with her again, or at least to visit even if we have to meet her in a room that has an exterior door where we can go into the meeting room from the outside.  That was used before some of the residents  tested positive.  Twelve tested positive, twelve went to quaranteen for 18 days, and twelve then tested negative twice and are back.  Not a single one had to be hospitalized.  My mother was among them and never had a symptom at all.  
      February 14, 2021 3:23 PM MST

  • 19937
    As you may have heard, Gov. Cuomo of New York has come under heavy fire for his handling of Covid patients being sent to old age homes.  I'm sure the numbers he initially made public were not correct, but in all fairness, a lot of governors had no idea what the real situation was or how to handle it since there was no advice coming from the Federal government.  In hindsight, we all have 20/20 vision.  I also wonder how many of the deaths that have occurred in the past 12 months were all from Covid or whether they were really from underlying causes and the virus just pushed them over the edge sooner.  I don't think we will every really know the full count because that would have required daily testing and contact tracing which most states didn't do.  

    In addition, the bungling in the distribution chain was something that could and should have been avoided.  Mayor Di Blasio opened up another group (65+) at a time when he knew there were no doses of the vaccine in the pipeline.  Citi Field, the Javits Center, Dodger Stadium were all set up to handle 24/7 vaccinations, but there was no vaccine!  Citi Field closed about 4 hours after it opened for that reason.  Now, Biden has finally gotten us more doses and Walgreen's, Walmart, CVS and Rite Aid are beginning to schedule appointments.  I finally got my first dose at 4 PM today and my second dose is scheduled for March 15.  
      February 14, 2021 3:28 PM MST

  • 44714
    Deaths were under-reported by 4,000 here in Ohio.
      February 14, 2021 4:36 PM MST

  • 53568


      See? Hank-panky all over the place.

      February 14, 2021 5:59 PM MST